
  • 网络Minimum;minimum amount;Minimum balance;Floor Limit
  1. 辛蒂:第一次储蓄有最低限额吗?

    Cindy : Is there a minimum for the first deposit ?

  2. 第一次储蓄有最低限额吗?

    Is there any minimum for the first deposit ?

  3. 为药品投保的最低限额(品)任险1000万美元。

    A minimum liability limit of $ 10000000.00 for pharmaceuticals .

  4. 我获得了全额奖学金。每期头奖奖金基金的最低限额为港币五百万元。

    The minimum first division prize money is HK $ 5 million .

  5. 当地建筑法规可管辖的最低限额的高度。

    Local building codes may govern the minimum ceiling heights .

  6. (一)注册资本最低限额为人民币五亿元;

    A minimum registered capital of 500 million yuan ;

  7. 具有本办法规定的最低限额的注册资本;

    Registered capital no less than the minimum requirements stipulated by these rules .

  8. 有符合本法规定的注册资本最低限额;

    The lowest amount of the registered capital as stipulated by this law ;

  9. 为药品以外其他产品投保的最低限额(产品)责任险500万美元。

    A minimum liability of $ 5,000, 000.00 for products other than pharmaceuticals .

  10. 有限责任公司的注册资本不得少于下列最低限额。

    The registered capital of a limited liability company shall not be less than .

  11. 设立商业银行的注册资本最低限额为十亿元人民币。

    The minimum registered capital for setting up a commercial bank is RMB1 billion yuan .

  12. 但公司资本的重要性并不意味着必须对公司资本作出最低限额之规定。

    Although the capital is indeed important , it does not mean requiring the capital minimum .

  13. 可支配流动资金:指世界银行持有的、超过最低限额的那部分流动资金。

    Discretionary liquidity : The amount of liquidity held by the Bank above the minimum prescribed .

  14. 你有资格股份时,你的帐户达到贵国的最低限额给付。

    You become eligible for the shares when your account reaches your country 's minimum payout limit .

  15. 大陆法系国家及我国公司立法对公司资本均规定了最低限额。

    The capital minimum has been prescribed in the company law in our country and the countries of continental law system .

  16. 本协定适用于价值不低于附录1所列有关最低限额的任何采购合同。

    This Agreement applies to any procurement contract of a value of not less than the relevant threshold specified in Appendix I.

  17. 保险公司注册资本最低限额必须为实缴货币资本。

    The minimum amount of registered capital for the establishment of an insurance company shall be fully paid-up in monetary form .

  18. 公司减少资本后的注册资本不得低于法定的最低限额。

    The registered capital of a company following such capital reduction may not be less than the minimum levels set by law .

  19. 第十四条设立全国性支付清算组织的注册资本最低限额为1亿元人民币。

    Article 14 The minimum registered capital of such national payment and settlement organizations to be established is RMB one hundred million Yuan .

  20. 这些制度通常设立一个应被资本化的支出的最低限额(比如5美元)。

    These policy statements often set a minimum dollar amount ( such as $ 5 ) for expenditures that are to be capitalized .

  21. 公司减少注册资本后的最低限额,不得低于前款规定的最低注册资本额。

    The threshold after a company 's reducing registered capital shall not be less than the minimum amounting for registered capital stipulated in the preceding paragraph .

  22. 在韩国,外交考试方面女性的通过率较高,使得外交部针对男性实施了最低限额制度。

    In South Korea more women than men pass the foreign-service exam , which has sparked the foreign ministry to implement a minimum quota for men .

  23. 鉴于放贷量几乎已经达到北京所需的全年7350亿美元的最低限额,银行甚至也许在尽可能地推掉贷款。

    Banks may even be pushing out loans while they can , given that lending has already almost hit Beijing 's desired $ 735bn minimum quota for the year .

  24. 中国人民银行根据信托投资公司行业发展的需要,可以调整设立信托投资公司的注册资本最低限额。

    The People 's Bank of China can modify the minimum requirement of registered capital for the establishment of a TIC according to the development needs of TIC sector .

  25. 保险监督管理机构根据保险公司业务范围、经营规模,可以调整其注册资本的最低限额。注册资本该是多少?

    Insurance supervision and administration department may adjust the minimum amount of registered capital in the light of the business lines of an insurance company and its operational scale .

  26. 申报退税的自来水、电、煤气、暖气的发票和修理修配劳务的发票无最低限额要求。

    There is no requirement on the minimum amount of the invoices of tap water , electricity , gas , heating and of repairs and replacement services under application for tax refund .

  27. 股份有限公司注册资本最低限额需高于上述所定限额的,由法律、行政法规另行规定。

    Requirements for the minimum amount of the registered capital of a company limited by shares to be higher than the above amount are provided for in separate laws or administrative regulations .

  28. 因此惩罚性赔偿金额是决定性的因素,建议适当设置惩罚性赔偿的最低限额与最高限额,同时做好对赔偿金的合理分配利用。

    Therefore the punitive damage money is the decisive factor ; I think set the minimum and maximum limits in punitive damages , at the same time make the reasonable use and distribution of compensation money .

  29. 经纪类证券公司注册资本最低限额为人民币五千万元;主要管理人员和业务人员必须具有证券从业资格;有固定的经营场所和合格的交易设施;有健全的管理制度。

    A brokerage securities company must have a minimum registered capital of50 million yuan , qualified managerial personnel and employees , a fixed operational site and up to standard trading facilities , and a perfect management system .

  30. 如果你有一堆债务,除了利率最高的那笔债,其余每笔都还最低限额,然后每个月尽你所能还那笔最大的。

    If you 're facing a pile of debts , make minimum payments on all of the debts but the one with the highest interest rate , then make the biggest payment you can each month on that high one .