
  1. 今年年初举行的美国经济咨商局2007年高管辅导大会传递的主要信息是:辅导效果最大化。

    This was the message of The Conference Board's2007 Executive Coaching Conference , Maximizing the Impact of Coaching , held earlier this year .

  2. 经济研究机构美国经济咨商局表示老龄化在未来10年内可以减少世界经济多达1%的增长。

    Business research group , the Conference Board-says aging could shave as much as one percent off global growth in the next 10 years .

  3. 因港口吞吐能力有限,同时劳工关系紧张,希腊国有运营商比雷埃夫斯港务局(piraeusportauthority)一直难以吸引到国际集装箱公司。

    Piraeus port authority , the state-controlled operator , has struggled to attract international container companies because of Limited handling facilities and poor labour relations .

  4. 中国港口运营商中国招商局国际及阿曼的主权预算基金相共同承建这一项目。

    Chinese port developer China Merchant Holding International and Oman 's sovereign wealth fund are teaming up for the project .