
shānɡ biāo bǎo hù
  • trademark protection;protection of trademarks
  1. 要加强商标保护的法律意识,尤其要树立商标国际保护意识,当商标遭遇侵权时,及时找出相应法律对策进行维权。

    To strengthen the legal awareness of trademark protection , especially to establish the awareness of the international protection of trademarks , trademark infringement when encounter , timely find out the corresponding legal countermeasures for adults .

  2. 但巴黎公约和TRIPs协定都是传统的驰名商标保护国际规则。

    However , both the Paris Convention and the TRIPs agreement are traditional international rules of well-known trademark protection , only applicable in internet vacuum age .

  3. 全文共分为五章:导论部分分析了构建适应WTO体制的商标保护模式的研究意义,分析了国内外学者的研究状况,提出了本文的研究方法和研究思路。

    In the introduction , the author analyzes the research significance of constructing a trademark protection mode which is in accordance with WTO system , analyzing research situation of scholars abroad and domestic , and raises the research method and thinking of it .

  4. 第三部分将介绍ECFA下的知识产权保护,即《海峡两岸知识产权保护合作协议》对两岸专利和商标保护合作存在问题的解决及未尽事宜。

    The third part will expound on the cross-strait IPR Protection under the ECFA framework , i.e. IPR Protection Cooperation Agreement , including issues solved and unsolved in the fields of the cross-strait patent and trade mark protection cooperation .

  5. 法官驳回了向伊夫圣罗兰下达禁令的请求,并说鉴于颜色在时尚界具有美观装饰的功能,以及对于竞争起到决定性的作用,,Louboutin难以证明红色鞋底应受到商标保护。

    In denying the request for an injunction the judge said that in the fashion industry colour serves ornamental and aesthetic functions vital to robust competition , so Louboutin was unlikely to be able to prove that its brand was entitled to trademark protection .

  6. 加强商标保护机构和人员的设置。

    To strengthen the protection of trademark agencies and personnel set .

  7. 黛博拉·科恩说,商标保护只是在所注册的国家内有效。

    Deborah Cohn says trademark protection extends only to national borders .

  8. 关于我国驰名商标保护的若干问题

    On the issues of the protection of China 's famous trademarks

  9. 阐述了品牌商标保护内涵。

    The inner meaning of brand trademark protection is expounded .

  10. 服装品牌商标保护的研究

    Research on the protection of trademark of the garment brand

  11. 商标保护名称和产品标志。

    A trademark protects titles or symbols associated with product .

  12. 第四节是对驰名商标保护的比较。

    The fourth is the comparison of well-known trademark protection .

  13. 第二章阐释了驰名商标保护的几种理论基础。

    Chapter two illustrates several theory bases of protection of well-known trademark .

  14. 分析了服装品牌商标保护现状。

    The actuality of garment brand trademark protection is analyzed .

  15. 第三章重点分析了旅游景区景点商标保护的对策。

    Part III offered some strategies of trademark protection of scenic spot .

  16. 二是商标保护战略中的法律体系协调问题;

    The second problem is concerning the harmonization of different legal system .

  17. 加入世界贸易组织与中药商标保护的思考不注册的药品,不受注册商标保护的药品

    Thinking About Trademark Protection of Traditional Chinese Medicine After WTO Entry generic drug

  18. 第二章分析了单一颜色商标保护的基本要件。

    Chapter II looks at the basic single color elements of trademark protection .

  19. 加强对地理标志的商标保护

    To reinforce the trademark protection of the geographical indications

  20. 第三部分探讨了商标保护的对象。

    Part III covers the object of trademark protection .

  21. 第五章对中国未注册商标保护的制度构建提出了若干设想。

    The chapter five is about some legislation advice an unregistered trademark protection in China .

  22. 淡化理论开辟了对驰名商标保护的新途径。

    The theory of dilution is a new way to protect the well known trademark .

  23. 企业商标保护

    On the Protection of Trademark of Enterprise

  24. 假冒行为与商标保护和反不正当竞争

    Piracy , Trademark Protection and Anti-unfair Competition

  25. 对我国驰名商标保护的战略性思考

    Strategic Thinking of Well known Trademark Protection

  26. 第二章对国外驰名商标保护的法律制度进行介绍和简要评析。

    Chapter Two introduce and briefly analyzes the legal protection systems of well-known trademark at abroad .

  27. 在澳大利亚,一件产品可以同时被注册外观设计和注册商标保护吗?

    Q17.Can a product be protected in Australia by both a Registered Design and a Registered Trade Mark ?

  28. 第四章对我国驰名商标保护法律制度的完善提出建议。

    Chapter Four gives some suggestions to perfect the legal protection system of well-known trademark for our country .

  29. 在先使用的未注册商标保护论纲&兼评商标法第三次修订

    Protection for the Senior User 's Non-well-known Unregistered Trademark-Comments on the 3rd Amendment to the Trademark Law of the P.R.China

  30. 商标保护由法院执行,在多数制度中,法院有权制止商标侵权。

    Trademark protection is enforced by the courts , which in most systems have the authority to block trademark infringement .