
shāng chǎng
  • mall;store;market;arcade;shopping arcade;emporium;bazaar
商场 [shāng chǎng]
  • (1) [market]∶聚集在一起的各种商店组成的市场

  • (2) [store]∶面积较大、商品比较齐全的大商店

  • 副食商场

商场[shāng chǎng]
  1. 我家就住在商场旁边,买东西很方便。

    I live just by the market , and it 's very convenient to go shopping .

  2. 那些小商店合并成为一个大商场。

    The small shops were merged into a large market .

  3. 他们在距离商场5英里的范围内送货上门。

    They deliver to within a 5-mile radius of the store .

  4. 我们去商场吧。

    Let 's go to the mall .

  5. 尽管困难重重,一些女性还是在商场上获得了成功。

    Some women do manage to achieve business success against all odds

  6. 公路系统沿线有大型商场和快餐店。

    Megamalls and fast food restaurants line the highway system .

  7. 她飞速赶往拉姆赞先生的大型商场。

    She set off at a cracking pace to Mr Ramzan 's Superstore

  8. 商场如战场,竞争激烈,不近人情。

    Business is a competitive activity . It is very fierce and very unforgiving .

  9. 长久以来,这些银行一直在与美国运通公司的信用卡以及各式各样的商场赊购卡竞争。

    The banks have long competed with American Express 's charge cards and various store cards

  10. 他从正门进入了哈罗德商场。

    He entered Harrods by the main door

  11. 于是,十几岁的孩子们没事就去逛大商场,在里面到处溜达却很少购物。

    Thus , teenagers become mall rats , hanging out but rarely shopping in those megamalls .

  12. 在努力争取更大的市场份额的过程中,这些商场最终将不可避免地相互展开竞争。

    The stores will inevitably end up competing with each other in their push for increased market shares

  13. 这家商场里的商品比其他地方贵。

    The goods in this mall are more expensive than those in other places .

  14. 那个商场里一件大衣的价格几乎是我每月工资的一半。

    The price of a coat in that mall is almost half my monthly salary .

  15. 他自荐当我们商场的经理。

    He volunteered to serve as the manager of our department store .

  16. 他与父母相随进了商场。

    He went to the department store with his parents .

  17. 可否给我一份商场介绍书?

    May I have the brochure for the mall ?

  18. 商场如战场。

    The business world is like a battlefield .

  19. 经营这家自选商场占去了他的全部精力。

    Running the supermarket absorbs all his energies .

  20. 他们正在建造两个商场。

    They are building two malls .

  21. 那家商场购进新的冬季时装时,决定把夏季服装廉价处理掉。

    The shop decided to clear off the summer clothes when the new winter fashions arrived .

  22. 在这个年轻的美妆购买者往往光顾丝芙兰和犹他,而不是百货商场美妆专柜的时代,梅西希望Bluemercury能够有助于巩固其在这一品类的地位。

    At   a   time   when   young beauty   shoppers   are   often   turning   to   Sephora   or   Ulta   instead   of   department   store   beautycounters ,   Macy 's   hopes   Bluemercury   will   help   strengthen   its   position   in   the   category .

  23. A:你是说在秋林商场对面?B:没错。

    A : You mean it 's across from Qiulin Shopping Mall ? B : Exactly .

  24. 我的朋友打来电话,邀请我几个小时后和他们一起去商场。

    My friends called and invited me to go to the mall with them a few hours later .

  25. 在西安,包括餐厅和商场等37处商业区域都出现了共享充电宝。

    Sharable chargers are available at 37 sites in Xi'an , including restaurants and shopping malls .

  26. 这种设备多见于游乐园、商场、宾馆游戏室以及超市和打折商场门外。

    Kiddie rides are commonly available in amusement parks , malls , hotel game rooms and outside supermarkets and discount department stores .

  27. 例句百货商场现在没什么人,但减价活动下周就要开始了,所以这可能只是暴风雨前的平静。

    The mall is quiet at the moment , but sales start next week so this is probably just the calm before the storm .

  28. 我在商场待了大概5个小时,回家后就出现了严重的商场宿醉反应。

    For example : I was at the mall for like five hours and when I got home I had a major mall hangover .

  29. “老公椅”是女装店或商场女装部里的椅子,供男士在女友或老婆选购时坐下来一边休息一边等待。

    Husband chair is a chair in a womens ' clothes store / department for a guy to sit in and wait while his wife or girlfriend shops . Example :

  30. 对于超大物品或打包一起卖的东西,一定要看好保质期,因为商场经常用这种伎俩处理快要过期的商品。

    As for supersized items or bulk deals , it 's always worth checking expiry dates , since this is often a ploy6 used by stores to get rid of stock approaching its ' best before ' date .