
zhán lǎn ɡuǎn
  • Exhibition Hall;exhibition center/hall
展览馆 [zhǎn lǎn guǎn]
  • [exhibition hall] 专供举办各种展览活动的馆所

  1. 展览馆17:30关门。

    The exhibition centre closes at 17:30 .

  2. 参观者明晨八点在展览馆门前聚齐。

    Visitors will assemble at the gate of the exhibition hall at eight tomorrow morning .

  3. 展览馆下午六点半关门。

    The exhibition centre closes at6:30 p.m.

  4. 展览馆免费开放。

    The gallery is open free .

  5. 展览馆里陈列着许多出土文物。

    Many unearthed cultural relics are set forth in the exhibition hall .

  6. 他的这座房子,我只是在1990年到1991年间住了一年半,其时我正在阿斯彭的一家展览馆工作,在此期间除了对这座房子的楼下部分感到极其不舒服外,也没有什么特别的感受。

    I lived in my father 's house for a year and a half in 1990 / 91 when I was working at a gallery in Aspen , but had no experiences except for being extremely uncomfortable in the downstairs area .

  7. 基于VB语言的展览馆管理系统开发

    The Program Development of Exhibition Management System Based on VB

  8. 昨天微软发布了另一个社区资源,被命名为MSDN代码展览馆(CodeGallery)。

    Microsoft launched another community resource called MSDN Code Gallery , yesterday .

  9. 我俩就站在安娜•温图尔时装设计中心(AnnaWintourCostumeCenter)的节能馆(自2014年以来,服装学院展览馆就被改为现名)。

    We are standing in the conservation lab of what , since 2014 , has been named the Anna Wintour Costume Center .

  10. MSDN代码展览馆是一个存放代码片断,示例和其他资源的门户。

    The MSDN Code Gallery is a portal for snippets , samples and other resources .

  11. MSDN展览馆是一个好地方,可以用来存放那些可能会对开发社区有贡献的示例项目。

    The MSDN Code Gallery is a great place to put any sample projects you may have to help the developer community .

  12. 等到它们被运到坎布里奇(Cambridge),也就是它们现在被保存的哈佛艺术展览馆(HarvardArtMuseums)的时候,它们保存的状况非常糟糕,文物管理人员费了好大功夫才移动了那些被浇水浸透了的壁画。

    By the time they reached Cambridge , where they are now in the Harvard Art Museums , they were in a very bad state of preservation , and the conservator had a difficult time removing the glue-soaked pigment .

  13. 布莱萨克:早在1909年,华纳就盯上了河南的龙门石窟,但他当时没法拿到波士顿美术馆(MuseumofFineArts)的资金去进行发掘,他当时在那家展览馆工作。

    Ms. Brysac : Warner had had his eye on the Longmen caves in Henan Province since 1909 , but he had been unable to obtain funding from the Museum of Fine Arts , Boston , where he was then working , to explore them .

  14. 着重阐述了建筑节能的意义和管理措施,以昆明世博园INTEGER智能生态建筑展览馆为例介绍了建筑节能的设计方法。

    This paper explained the significance and managing measures of energy-conserving of the building emphatically . It has taken ecological building exhibition hall of Kunming International horticultural exposition INTEGER intelligence as an example and introduced the energy-conserving design method of the building .

  15. 如其设计的香奈儿移动艺术展览馆,以及奥地利Nordpark火车站等这些具有未来主义外观的建筑都让人叹为观止。

    With examples such as the Chanel Mobile Art Pavilion and Nordpark Railway Station is Austria their futuristic look is truly striking .

  16. 穿越时空面向未来&武汉展览馆方案设计构思

    Across space and Time into Future-The Design of Wuhan Exhibition Building

  17. 南京建筑与艺术展览馆钢结构回廊变形分析

    The Analysis of Deformation of the Steel Structure About the Museum

  18. 周五晚上你去艺术展览馆吗?

    Are you coming on Friday evening to the art gallery ?

  19. 你坐一辆向西走的车去展览馆。

    Take a west - bound bus to the exhibition centre .

  20. 预应力索拱体系在包头一机展览馆中的应用

    Application of Prestressed Cable and Arch System at Baotou Yiji Exhibition

  21. 展览馆里的图画我并不都喜欢。

    I do not like all the painting in the exhibition .

  22. 周四晚上在艺术展览馆有一个晚会。

    There 's a party at the Gallery on Thursday evening .

  23. 一大群人在排队以进入展览馆。

    Crowds of people are queuing to get into the exhibition .

  24. 在博物馆、科学中心和展览馆中利用数字技术学习

    Learning with Digital Technologies in Museums , Science Centers and Galleries

  25. 哈尔滨冰雪艺术展览馆钢结构工程设计

    Design of the steel construction for Harbin ice-snow art exhibition hall

  26. 我坐哪路公共汽车能到展览馆附近?

    Which bus will take me to the capital theatre ?

  27. 大同市展览馆改造实录

    The modification memoir of the exhibition building in Datong city

  28. 位于华盛顿附近,这个小店并不是美术展览馆。

    The store near Washington DC does not exhibit art .

  29. 某展览馆预应力索拱体系的施工

    The application of system of prestressed cable-arch system for a exhibition hall

  30. 被允许加入展览馆的游客物品的大小是有限制的。

    B.The size of visitor items allowed into the Gallery is limited .