
shāng jiè
  • business community;business circles;commercial world;business interests;commercial circles
商界 [shāng jiè]
  • [business circles] 指整个商业贸易系统

商界[shāng jiè]
  1. 关于他的辞职,在商界一直有很多流言蜚语。

    There has been much gossip in commercial circles as to his resignation .

  2. 明代嘉靖(1522-1566)至万历(1573-1620)年间,江村商人崛起于商界。

    During the Ming Dynasty , the merchants rose to prominence in commercial circles From Jajing ( 1522-1566 ) to Wanli ( l573-1620 ) .

  3. 他们指责政府唯工商界的利益是从。

    They accused the government of a surrender to business interests .

  4. 当地商界领袖听到这消息都感到很丧气。

    The news has been greeted with dismay by local business leaders .

  5. 您对初入商界的人有何建议?

    What advice would you proffer to someone starting up in business ?

  6. 在商界混了十年之后,我变得老成聪明了。

    I 'm older and wiser after ten years in the business .

  7. 在商界位居高职的妇女仍然十分罕见。

    Women are still something of a rarity in senior positions in business .

  8. 商界高层的女性代表不足。

    Women are under-represented at senior levels in business .

  9. 这位参议员的讲话惹恼了一些商界人士。

    The senator 's speech ruffled a few feathers in the business world .

  10. 商界希望见到对付债务逾期不还的新法律出台。

    Businesses would like to see new laws to counter late payments of debts .

  11. 与会代表名单读起来像个商界名人录。

    The list of delegates attending read like a who 's who of the business world .

  12. 国王对儿子们的纵容令商界恼火。

    The king 's indulgence towards his sons angered the business community

  13. 专利使用费让这位发明家得以再次立足于商界。

    The royalties enabled the inventor to re-establish himself in business .

  14. 他们维护着一个服务于商界女性的酒店资料库。

    They maintain a database of hotels that cater for businesswomen .

  15. 他冒险涉足商界后几乎没有取得什么成功。

    He enjoyed little success when he ventured into business .

  16. 女性不见得非要模仿男性才能在商界叱咤风云。

    Women do not necessarily have to imitate men to be successful in business

  17. 大多数商界人士都会对这样的态度感到陌生。

    Such an attitude is alien to most businessmen .

  18. 其目的是教导商界管理人员逐渐学会欣赏不同的文化。

    The aim is to inculcate business people with an appreciation of different cultures

  19. 总统的讲话被视为对商界的安抚性姿态,受到了欢迎。

    The President 's speech was hailed as a conciliatory gesture toward business .

  20. 伦敦商界担心利润可能下滑。

    The City fears that profits could fall .

  21. 昨晚与商界领导人的谈判破裂了。

    Talks with business leaders broke down last night

  22. 似乎商界所有重要人物都将参加那个会议。

    It seems anyone who 's anyone in business is going to the conference .

  23. 在商界,他的天赋和远见卓识是出了名的。

    In business circles he is noted for his flair and clarity of vision .

  24. 他完全是一副伦敦金融城商界人士的派头。

    He looks every inch the City businessman

  25. 昆斯投身于商界,那是一个大部分现代艺术家所不齿的圈子。

    Koons has engrossed himself in a world of commercialism that most modern artists disdain .

  26. 商界人士对变化无常的经济决策很是恼火。

    Businessmen are displeased with erratic economic policy-making

  27. 他启动了一套私有化方案,以设法赢得商界的支持。

    He has started a privatisation programme to try and win support from the business community

  28. 星期一的正式开幕式上,科学家、商界人士和其他各色人等齐聚一堂。

    Scientists , business people , and sundry others gathered on Monday for the official opening

  29. 他们认为整件事情只是一个插曲,和真正的商界没有多大关系。

    They thought the whole thing was a side-show , tangential to the real world of business .

  30. 商界一直不重视世界环境问题,总让我惊讶不已。

    It never ceases to amaze me how the business world continues to trivialize the world 's environmental problems .