
  • 网络Best Thing;the sweetest thing
  1. 我认为这是最美好的事请了。

    I thought it was the sweetest thing .

  2. 把我所经历过的最美好的事给毁了。

    For screwing up the best thing that ever happened to me .

  3. 大卫.世上最美好的事发生了

    David.The most wonderful thing in the whole world has happened .

  4. 最美好的事,是看到某人的微笑;

    The most beautiful thing is to see a person smiling .

  5. 我总觉得那是这世界最美好的事。

    I always thought that was the best thing in the world .

  6. 那是我遇到的最美好的事。

    That 's the nicest thing that has ever happened to me .

  7. 世界上最美好的事,就是他肯让你上!

    Was sure nice of her to let you do that thing !

  8. 这简直是世界上最美好的事。

    It was the best thing in the world . '

  9. 互相关心是生命中最美好的事。

    The best thing to hold onto in life is each other .

  10. 我认为这些是我设计的最美好的事。

    I think these are the most beautiful things I have ever engineered .

  11. 知道吗?遇上你,是我生命里最美好的事。

    He is the best thing that has ever happened in my life .

  12. 被挚友信任是一件最美好的事之一。

    Being trust by your best friend is one of the nicest things .

  13. 因为爱是最美好的事。

    Because love 's the best thing we do .

  14. 你是我遇到的最美好的事,知道吗?

    You 're the best thing that ever happened to me , okay ?

  15. 世间最美好的事,莫过于新生命的诞生。

    There is nothing so beautiful as the creation of a new life .

  16. 爱,代表最美好的事。

    Love embodies the best of things .

  17. 不过我想,当你用写故事的方式来与别人分享感受,这就是所能发生的最美好的事。

    I guess this is exactly what the greatest thing is about sharing your feelings by writing them into stories .

  18. 为什么不能与人共享你的床?世上最美好的事就是和人共享你的床。

    Why can 't you share your bed ? The most loving thing to do is to share your bed with someone .

  19. 但是他说,他一生最美好的事是看到自己的圣战组织颠覆了所向披靡的超级大国们的神话。

    Yet the best thing in his life , he said , was that his jihads had destroyed the myth of all-conquering superpowers .

  20. 最美好的事,是看到某人的微笑;而更美好的事,是他因你而微笑。

    The most beautiful thing is to see a person smiling . And even more beautiful is , knowing that you are the reason behind it !

  21. 除非你找到对的那位和自己选择的人在一起是人生在世最美好的事

    Well , if you 've found the right one , the person that you click with , it 's the best thing in the world .

  22. 第一种观点认为:“阿拉伯之春”是“在我有生之年阿拉伯世界发生的最美好的事”(用一位欧洲外交官的话讲)。

    The first view is that the " Arab Spring " is , as one European diplomat puts it , " the best thing that has ever happened in my lifetime in the Arab world " .

  23. 在某些程度上,这九个城市有这相同之处,但我们又是如此不同,因此我们能够互相学习而这正是最美好的一件事。

    All the nine cities are similar in some aspects , at the same time , we are so unique and different that we can learn from each other , which is the most beautiful thing .

  24. 对于某些人来说,和心爱的人拥有一个小家,生很多小孩来延续香火,是人生最伟大的目标和生命中最美好的事。

    For some , there 's no greater goal than settling down with the partner of their dreams and popping out a group of kids to carry on the family name .

  25. 生活中最痛苦的事情莫过于等待,然而,最美好的事是拥有值得等待的人。

    The worst part of life is waiting , the best part of life is having someone worth waiting for .