
  • The Moonlight Clan;Moonlite
  1. “月光族”、“负翁”与奢侈消费

    ' the moonlight clan , ' ' fu weng ' and luxury consumption

  2. 并且这种不可预想的消费开支会使“月光族”处于一个不利的地位。

    In addition , no savings will place " the moonlight clan " in a difficult position in case of unexpected expenses .

  3. 广告公司智威汤逊(jwt)大中华区首席执行官唐锐涛(tomdoctoroff)为月光族的消费模式进行了辩解。

    Tom Doctoroff , Greater China CEO of JWT , the advertising agency , defends the Yue Guang Zu spending patterns .

  4. 你不能继续做“月光族”了。如果有紧急情况,你什么积蓄都没有。Sarah把全部钱拿去买了个香奈儿的手提包。她总是想要跟别人攀比。他总是很节俭,从来不花没用的钱。

    You must stop living paycheck to paycheck , if there is an emergency , you have no savings to use . Sarah just spent all her money on a Chanel handbag . She 's always trying to keep up with the Joneses . He 's very frugal , never spends more money than he has to .

  5. 月光族迄今已发生了严重的财务危机。

    So far , the Yue Guang zuare having a great financial crisis .

  6. 随意性的开支是‘月光族’产生的根源。

    Arbitrariness of the spending is'moonlight clan'cause .

  7. 从前,我是一个大手大脚的月光族,每个月赚多少就花多少。

    In the past , I usually spent as much as I could earn in a month .

  8. 只有7%的孩子手里剩余不足10元,这也表明他们过得是“月光族”的生活方式。

    Only 7 % of children had less than 10 yuan which indicates a " paycheck to paycheck " lifestyle .

  9. 月光族我们强调我们靠薪水过日子,常常不够花,但从来不改变自己的消费习惯。

    We stress about the fact that we live from paycheck to paycheck but we don 't change our spending habits .

  10. 大多数月光族住在家里,由父母或祖父母承担房租、医疗和其它必要费用。

    Most of the Yue Guang zulive at home , where parents or grandparents cover rent , healthcare and other essentials .

  11. 一个月光族的绰号已经为那些月底时口袋里空空如也的人创造。

    A nickname , moonlight tribe , has been created for such people whose pockets are empty at the end of every month .

  12. 许多月光族表达了同样的观点:她们乐于为了职业发展而背负短期债务。

    Many Yue Guang Zu say the same : they are happy to accumulate short-term debt , in the service of their career .

  13. 调查发现,还有更多的人存不下钱,有40%的被调查者表示他们是月光族。

    A still-greater number are failing to save any money , the survey found , with 40 % reporting that they live paycheck to paycheck .

  14. 一个“月光族”的绰号已经为那些月底时口袋里空空如也的人创造。

    A nickname , " moonlight tribe , " has been created for such people whose pockets are empty at the end of every month .

  15. 这由那些月底没有储蓄的新阶层月光族的物质化来证实。

    This is demonstrated by the materialization of a new class of yue guang zu , those with no savings at the end of the month .

  16. 支持“月光族”的人认为这样能够让他们懂得如何高质量地去享受生活。

    Those who support " the moonlight clan " think that " the moonlight clan " knows how to enjoy life and have a higher life quality .

  17. 然而还有一部分人对此报以批评,他们认为“月光族”的这种消费习惯是不健康的,有时甚至是浪费的。

    However , other people criticize " the moonlight clan " . They say that the consumption habit of " the moonlight clan " is unhealthy and sometimes wasteful .

  18. 因为无法控制住自己的购物欲,工作了几年的丽贝卡不仅是个“月光族”,而且还欠下了一屁股的卡债。

    Because you cannot control their appetites , working for several years Rebecca was not only a " moon clan ", but also a debt due to a comin'over card debt .

  19. 现今,已越来越多的人特别是年轻人加入了“月光族”的军团中了,他们把每月所有赚得的收入全部耗得一干二净,却没给自己留下半点积蓄。

    Nowadays , more and more people , especially the young are joining in the army of " the moonlight clan " . These people exhaust their earnings every month without any savings .

  20. 她不好意思地说:如果放在银行卡里,我就会花掉它。高航表示,与大多数月光族一样,她也对自己乱花钱的行为感到愧疚。

    If I left it on my bank card , I would spend it , she says sheepishly , noting that , like most yue guang zu , she feels guilty about her spendthrift ways .

  21. 在试图刺激国内消费经济的大环境下,或许中国最需要的就是月光族,得名于汉语中月亮的光辉和花光每月所有钱是同形词。

    Perhaps the group China needs most as it tries to stimulate its domestic consumer economy is the yue guang zu , or moonlight tribe , so named because the Chinese characters for moonlight sound the same as the phrase spend all your monthly salary .

  22. 但真相是,人们都是月光族。在美国存钱很难,除非你是幸运的中产阶级,在合理的预算之下,你就能够存下一笔钱,他们都喜欢那么干。

    The fact is that a lot of times , people live paycheck to paycheck . It 's expensive saving money in America but if you are one of those lucky middle class people , with proper budgeting , you can save and people like to do it .

  23. 在试图刺激国内消费经济的大环境下,或许中国最需要的就是“月光族”,得名于汉语中“月亮的光辉”和“花光每月所有钱”是同形词。

    Perhaps the group China needs most as it tries to stimulate its domestic consumer economy is the yue guang zu , or moonlight tribe , so named because the Chinese characters for " moonlight " sound the same as the phrase " spend all your monthly salary . "