
  • 网络effective fertility
  1. 内蒙古中、东部旱作区试验研究表明,地膜覆盖增产增效机理在于:提高土壤有效肥力;

    According to the field experiments carried out on dry land in the middle and eastern region of Inner Mongolia , the increasing yield and raising efficiency principle of film covered was made clear .

  2. 施用有机肥是我国农业生产中的重要传统施肥方式,有机肥可以有效提高土壤肥力。

    The application of organic manure is the traditional fertilization methods of agricultural production , and the organic manure can enhance fertility of soils .

  3. 草原土壤磷、钾肥较为缺乏,而且单纯的施用化肥效果并不好,需要配合有机肥的施用才能有效提高土壤肥力。

    The grassland soil is short of phosphorus and potassium , applying organic fertilizer accompany with chemical fertilizer is more effective than applying chemical fertilizer .

  4. 大田试验表明,旱地麦田增施有机肥料,能有效提高土壤肥力,增加土壤贮水能力;

    Dry field trials demonstrated that increasing the application amount of organic manure to the wheat field could enhance the soil fertility and moisture persistency ability .

  5. 有机肥能有效地提高土壤肥力,并可以有效地促进土壤有机质的增加和更新。

    The organic fertilizer can raise soil fertility significantly , and increase the content of organic matter .

  6. 互作可以有效地提高土壤肥力,改善土壤的养分状况和根际养分吸收环境,维持植物生产力;

    The interaction could enhance soil fertility effectively , improve nutrient status in soil and nutrient absorption in the rhizosphere , and also maintain plant productivity .

  7. 建议通过增施有机肥、种植绿肥增加土壤有机质含量,以及采取适宜的农业措施可有效促进土壤各肥力要素的形成,提升土壤肥力水平、恢复土壤生产力。

    It is suggested that using organic fertilizer , planting green manure could increase content of soil organic matter , and that taking suitable agricultural measure could promote the formation of soil fertility together , generally upgrading the level of soil fertility and renew soil production .