
  1. 这下子可有盼头了。

    There is hope then .

  2. 但从全球来看,却是有盼头的。

    But from a global perspective , there is room for hope .

  3. 选择击球方向十分重要,但是由于不是很长的球,所以小鸟球还是很有盼头的。

    Positioning the tee-shot is important but it is not very long and I expect quite a few birdies .

  4. 员工参加培训,特别是年轻的员工,实际上是“人往高处走”的表现,企业应该在培训中表现出员工在企业“很有盼头”。

    Staff attended training , especially young employees , in fact , it is the show up of upgrating , companies should show " very rewarding " to the employees in the training .

  5. “这类活动不必很复杂,可以是看电视剧、跟朋友煲电话粥或外出吃饭,这些琐事不仅方便穿插在工作日,还能让你心情愉悦有盼头。”迈尔斯说。

    These activities don 't need to be elaborate ( think : watching a TV show , making a phone date with a friend or going out to dinner ) . " Any of these are small enough to be feasible for workweek activities but large enough to make you feel excited or hopeful , " Meyers says .

  6. 这部CBS电视台的主打剧有哪些盼头,观众们其实早已了然于心。不过我们还是大胆预测了第十季的剧情(第十季很可能成为该剧的剧终季)。

    Though audiences have already begun learning some details about what to expect when the CBS sitcom returns , we also have our own guesses as to what may happen next season ( which could be the long-running show 's final season ) .

  7. 他不禁打了个寒噤。心里隐隐感到有了盼头。

    He shivered , feeling a muffled anticipation and elation .

  8. 有了盼头,会觉得太阳每天都是新的。

    You will enjoy a fresh sun everyday once you have got them .

  9. 他的课是极少数让我有个盼头的。

    His class is one of the few things that I look forward to .

  10. 这样,工作的时候你就有了盼头,知道工作完成后你能好好玩一场,不用担心作业的事啦。

    This way , while you are working , you can keep in mind that once you are finished your work you can go out and not worry about your assignments .

  11. 现在她所需要的是一种过得有意思有盼头的生活。

    All she needs now is a life worth living for .

  12. 人,得天天有点什么盼头,生活才不至于暗淡。

    There must something to look forward to each day to brighten one 's life and keep it out of shadows .

  13. 但是,还是有越来越多的人搬走,因为他们无法确知,即便有盼头的话,到底哪天,才能够重返家园,正常过活。

    But most continue to stay away , unsure when if ever it will be safe enough to return and live anything resembling a normal life .