
  • 网络Effective width;effective breadth;effective flange width;Weff
  1. 卷边Z型钢的相关屈曲及有效宽度

    Interactive buckling and effective width of Z-section elements with stiffened edges

  2. 本文利用文献[3]提出了T形截面连续梁桥翼缘有效宽度的计算公式,并对F·史来麦尔所编《手册》中的有效宽度比的表格进行了补充。

    Using the refererence [ 3 ] , this paper proposed the formulae for calculation of the effective width of flanges in continuous tee-beam , and supplemented the data of effective width ratios to the table in the Handbook , edited by F.

  3. 用根据能量法求得的泡沫芯层支承下的薄壁金属单板的屈曲系数K,代替Winter有效宽度公式中的屈曲系数,导出了压型表面夹层板受压面层屈曲后性能的计算公式;

    The postbuckling behavior calculation method of the compressed face in sandwich panels with the profiled steel faces is to replace the buckling coefficient of Winter effective width formulae by a buckling coefficient of the thin-walled single plate element supported by the foam core by energy method .

  4. 结论带缝匠肌髂骨块髋臼造盖,可稳定和维持髋臼顶部弧形截骨的位置,提高髋臼有效宽度,恢复髋臼指数及正常CE角,使髋关节获得同心圆复位。

    Conclusion Shelf procedure with sartorius muscle pedicled ilium bone can stabilize and keep position of arch osteotomy on the upper of the acetabulum , improve the width of acetabulum , recover acetabulum index and CE angle and obtain concentric alignment .

  5. 集中力作用处剪力滞效应与其它截面相比明显增大,我国现行桥规(JTJ023-85)中关于有效宽度取全桥等宽的说法需要进一步研究。

    The shear lag effect of the section under concentrated load is more remarkable than that of other sections . National Standard ( JTJ023-85 ) is worth discussing further .

  6. 多梁式小箱梁桥沿纵向有效宽度的动力识别方法

    Dynamic Method for Identifying Multi-box Girder Bridges ' Lateral Effective Width

  7. 简支组合梁板体系有效宽度分析

    Effective widths of simply supported composite beams with transverse end girders

  8. 卷边槽形截面受弯构件翼缘板的有效宽度

    Effective width of the compressed flanges in lipped channels under bending

  9. 简支组合扁梁有效宽度的影响因素分析

    Factors analysis on effective width of simply supported composite slim beam

  10. 钢-混凝土组合梁混凝土翼板有效宽度对梁挠度的影响

    Influence of the effective width of steel-concrete composite beams on its deflection

  11. 最后,提出了有效宽度的建议公式。

    The suggested formula of effective width is proposed in the end .

  12. 箱梁横向内力分析及有效宽度

    Transverse Internal Force Analysis of Box Girder and Effective Width

  13. 桥梁施工方法与主梁有效宽度

    Bridge Construction Method and Effective Distribution Width of Main Girder

  14. 压型钢板翼缘有效宽度及板组约束的研究

    Effective Width and Plate-to-Plate Restriction Calculations of Profiled Steel Sheeting

  15. 桥梁施工方法对主梁有效宽度分布的影响

    The Influence to Girder Efficient Width of Bridge Construction Methods

  16. T梁结构翼缘有效宽度力学分析及讨论

    Mechanical Analysis on Effective Width of Wide Flange T Beams

  17. 双主梁式斜拉桥主梁有效宽度

    Efficient width for cable stayed bridge with two edge girders

  18. 组合梁翼缘有效宽度研究进展

    Progress of studies on effective width of steel-concrete composite beams

  19. 连续箱梁翼缘有效宽度的概念及应用

    Concept and application of continuous box beam flange effective width

  20. 板桁组合结构中混凝土桥面板有效宽度计算分析

    Effective Width Analysis of Concrete Slab in Plate-truss Composite Structure

  21. 钢&混凝土组合梁翼板有效宽度的试验与分析

    The Experiment and Analysis of the Effective Width Value in Steel-Concrete Composite Beams

  22. 储层裂缝有效宽度模型探讨

    A study on the effective width of fractured reservoir

  23. 冷弯型钢局部屈曲的相关性和卷边板件的有效宽度

    Interaction of local buckling in cold-formed members and effective width of edge-stiffened elements

  24. 辊道窑有效宽度与产量和节能的关系

    Relationship of effective width in roller kiln to production and saving ─ energy

  25. 连续T梁桥翼缘的有效宽度

    Effective Width of Flanges for Continuous Tee - Beam

  26. 直接强度法计算上更加简便,且精度高于有效宽度法,是计算薄壁构件承载能力非常有效的新方法。

    Direct strength method is simpler and more accurate than effective width method .

  27. 人行道有效宽度和利用率分析

    Analysis of Footpath Width and Pedestrian Usage Rate

  28. 斜拉桥的桥面结构有效宽度在桥梁设计规范中没有明确给出。

    Analysis for effective width considered slippage of composite steel-concrete beam with lightweight aggregate ;

  29. 双室箱梁横向内力计算的有效宽度

    Effective Width in Calculation of Transverse Internal Forces of Box Girders with Twin & cells

  30. 附连翼板有效宽度分析

    The Effective Breadth Analysis of Adherent Flange