
jué dìnɡ xìnɡ zhènɡ jù
  • Conclusive evidence;final evidence;critical evidence
  1. 这些趋势并不能作为决定性证据,却的确引发了激烈争论。

    Those trends are not conclusive evidence , but they do fuel debate .

  2. 相对地,美国政府的声明却没有提供任何决定性证据来否认美人鱼的存在。

    Conversely , the US government declaration offered no conclusive proof to deny the existence of mermaids .

  3. 另一些人认为并没有决定性证据表明近现代的地球温度高于古代。

    Others argue that there is no conclusive evidence that modern temperatures are higher than they used to be .

  4. 悉尼的一项研究发现没有决定性证据表明澳洲野狗的祖先是狗,或是子系,所以澳洲野狗不是狗,也与狗完全无关。

    The Sydney study discovered that dingoes showed no conclusive signs of being descended from dogs , were not a subspecies , and were completely apart from dogs .

  5. 即,载有原始的、有关某事的官方或法律形式的书写或打印文本,用以提供决定性证据或信息。

    A written or printed paper that bears the original , official , or legal form of something and can be used to furnish decisive evidence or information .

  6. 成功完成应被视为系统完整、准确、有效并能达到规格所述技术指标的决定性证据。

    Successful Completion shall be deemed as conclusive proof that the System is complete , correct and valid , and capable of accomplishing the technical targets set forth in the Specifications .

  7. 就算能够证明外星人去过古埃及的决定性证据已被世界政府很好地隐藏,但是依然还有迹象表明外星人与古埃及有关,下面就是最令人激动的十大例证:

    Granted , definitive physical proof that aliens indeed visited Egypt in the past might very well be covered up by world governments , but there are still signs that point to alien contribution to ancient Egypt , and these are ten of the most exciting :

  8. 难道缺乏了决定性的证据科学也不确定了吗?

    That the evidence was inconclusive , the science uncertain ?

  9. 决定性的证据;这一证据是结论性的。

    Conclusive proof ; the evidence is conclusive .

  10. 其他研究者警告说,新的发现并不能为突触自稳态假说提供决定性的证据。

    Other researchers cautioned that the new findings weren 't definitive proof of the synaptic homeostasis hypothesis .

  11. 不过,在我讲话期间,泰迪熊的有益影响并不是决定性的证据,因为大家平常在听人讲话时通常都很有礼貌。

    However , their helpful influence during my speech was not decisive , as people tend to listen quite politely anyway .

  12. 这绝对不是决定性的证据,但是的确对催眠打开潜意识思维的观点增加了可信度。

    This is by no means conclusive evidence , but it does lend credence to the idea that hypnotism opens up the subconscious mind .

  13. 这项身体机能困惑了科研者几十年,没有什么决定性的证据能解释产生这种现象的原因。

    This bodily function has baffled researchers for decades , with very little evidence to say definitively what the cause of the reaction was .

  14. 分析国内外的相关实证研究,没有决定性的证据证明普通班级和资源教室的安置方式优于特殊班级和特殊学校。

    There is no strong evidence to prove the placement of resource room and general class is better than special class and special school .

  15. 但是因为各家关注的角度和选材的差异,加上一直缺乏具有决定性的证据,时至今日,学界仍然没有得出让大多数学者公认的结论。

    But because differences in attention angle and selection , coupled with the lack of decisive evidence has been , until now , scholars still do not come to conclusion that most scholars consider .