
  1. 一种不确定作战决策效能评估模型及仿真

    Efficiency Evaluation Model of Operational Decision Making under Uncertainty and Simulations

  2. 这一项预测模型为新技术引进的诊断、评估、预测及决策效能优化提供了可靠的理论依据和切实可行的对策。

    This model provided theoretical basic and practical strategies for optimizing decision effectiveness .

  3. 内隐知识被认为是预测决策效能的重要因素。

    Tacit knowledge is regarded as a key factor influencing the effectiveness of the decision-making .

  4. 研究还从经营实践的角度,探讨了风险行为、行动过程与决策效能之间的关系。

    The relationship among risk-taking , actions after choice and decision effectiveness was discussed in the application perspective .

  5. 团体心理辅导对大专生缓解生涯焦虑、提高生涯决策效能感、缓解身体不适有较好的效果。

    Group psychological counseling has positive effect on release students ' anxiety ; enhance career decision-making self-efficacy and ease the physical discomfort .

  6. 团体心理辅导作为缓解大专生生涯焦虑和提高生涯决策效能的重要手段,在不同专业和院校院等环境中是适宜推广和借鉴的。

    Group psychological counseling is suitable for promoting in different speciality and different college as an important model of alleviating the anxiety and enhances career decision-making self-efficacy of junior college students .

  7. 总结了灰色系统理论在应用中的优点:计算模型简单、所需样本少、计算量小、准确性较高、计算结果客观合理、有较高的预测与决策效能;

    Summarized are such advantages of gray system theory as simple calculation model , less specimens needed , less calculation , accurate and objective calculation results , better prediction and decision-making efficiency .

  8. 上世纪中叶WHO发动的全球抗疟灭蚊运动,取得了辉煌的战果;最后,文中根据计算机模拟结果,分析了通信效能、决策效能、部队配置等因素的改变对战果的影响。

    In the middle of 20th century , WHO has launched to contorl malaria and wipe out mosquites in the world . A tentative result of such exploration was achieved by the computer simulation .

  9. 结果显示,实验组被试在干预后的职业决策自我效能量表总分与自我评价、收集信息、选择目标、制订规划、问题解决五个纬度的得分上均有极其显著的(p<0.000)提高。

    The result showed that the experimental group 's total scores , as well as the scores of the 5 dimensions self-evaluation , information collection , planning , and problem solution of the Self-efficacy of career decision test have been extremely elevated ( p < 0.000 ) .

  10. 干预组接受7次职业生涯团体辅导,对照组处于常态。用职业决策自我效能量表(CDMSE)、焦虑自评量表(SAS)在干预前后进行评估;

    Career Decision-Making Self Efficacy scale ( CDMSE ) and SAS were used to evaluate the effect of group guidance before and after .

  11. FN-IOWA算子的模糊弹性决策作战效能评估

    A Fuzzy Flexibility Decision Method based on FN-IOWA Operator for Operational Effectiveness Assessment

  12. 具体研究如下:研究一,对修订的《师范类大学生职业决策自我效能感问卷》进行探索性因素分析的基础上,进而采用LISREL技术手段,验证师范类大学生职业决策自我效能感的结构。

    Specific studies are as follows : First , it is to verify the normal college students ' career decision-making self-efficacy structure on the basis of exploratory factor analysis of the amendment of the Normal College students ' career decision-making self-efficacy questionnaire through the LISREL technical means used .

  13. 职业决策自我效能的预测性存在性别差异。

    The predictability of career decision-making self-efficacy shows significant gender differences .

  14. 温州市大学生职业决策自我效能和专业承诺关系分析

    Relationship Between Undergraduates ' Specialty Commitment and Self-efficacy of Career Decision-making

  15. 羞怯与职业探索、职业决策自我效能的关系

    Relationship between Shyness , Career Exploration and Career Decision-making Self-efficacy

  16. 职业生涯团体心理辅导对女大学生职业决策自我效能的影响研究

    The Effect of Group Career Guidance on Students ' Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy

  17. 不同年级大专生职业决策自我效能差异显著。

    There is significantly difference on career decision-making self-efficacy among different grades .

  18. 高师生职业决策自我效能与成就动机的关系

    Relationship Between Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy and Achievement Motivation of Normal College Students

  19. 中等职业学校毕业生职业决策自我效能调查

    A survey on career decision making self-efficacy in middle vocational school graduates

  20. 护理本科生职业决策自我效能感的调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of the Nursing Undergraduate Students ' Career Decision-making Self-efficacy

  21. 新技术引进决策的效能评估与预测

    Evaluation and Prediction of Effectiveness of Decision - making in Introducing New Technology

  22. 当代大学生职业决策自我效能特点研究

    A Study of Undergraduate Students ' Career Decision-making Self-efficacy

  23. 主动性人格对大学毕业生职业决策自我效能的影响

    Analysis of the Effects of the Proactive Personality on Graduates ' Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy

  24. 金融风暴视角下地方高校毕业生职业决策自我效能感的初步研究

    Decision Making Self Efficacy of Local University Graduates in the Perspective of Financial Storm

  25. 目标定向、职业决策自我效能与大学生职业选择行为关系的研究

    Research on the Relation among Goal-Orientation , Career Decision-making Self-efficacy and Occupational Choices of Undergraduates

  26. 职业决策自我效能研究综述

    On the research of career decision-making self-efficacy

  27. 基于熵权的装备保障辅助决策系统效能评判

    Efficiency Evaluation of the Decision Assistant System for Equipment Support Command based on Information Entropy

  28. 职业决策自我效能感量表

    Career Decision Making Self efficacy Scale

  29. 通过研究,得出以下结论:1、与大学生平均常模比较,大专生具有较低的职业决策自我效能。

    Compared to the norm , junior college students have lower career decision-making self-efficacy . 2 .

  30. 结论:职业生涯团体心理辅导可以有效地提高女大学生的职业决策自我效能水平,降低焦虑程度;职业生涯团体心理辅导的方法受到学生的普遍认可。

    Conclusion : The Group Career guidance was effective on improving students ′ self-efficacy in career decision-making .