
  1. 二叉树模型简明易懂也更加容易为输电运输项目决策实施者所理解。

    Binomial tree model is straightforward and easy to understand for decision maker of power transportation projects .

  2. 广大群众的迫切需求是决策实施的推动力,其治山治水的经验是决策实施成功的基础。

    Public requirement is pushing force of decision making , and experiences are the bases of decision implements .

  3. 政策制定一般表现为确定目标、设计备选方案、评估方案、选择方案、决策实施、决策执行情况反馈等程序;

    Formulating policy includes determining goal , designing selectable project , evaluating project , implementing decision and receiving feedback .

  4. 第三,在决策实施过程结束后,在帮助领导正确总结经验、进行新的决策活动上发挥参谋作用。

    Thirdly , after the implementation period , the office director should help leaders analyze the experience and make new decisions .

  5. 建立人大督查专员制度,对重大行政决策实施违宪审查。

    The NPC Ombudsman system should be built , and judicial review of major administrative decisions should be built up , too .

  6. 并对四种战略方案作了仿真计算,分析结果选择了第一方案,作为战略目标决策实施方案。

    And emulation calculation was made for four strategic plans . Through analysis , the first plan was chosen as an implementation plan of strategic objective .

  7. 同时,作为一个综合的中枢平台,在业务处理和决策实施方面也担任着越来越重要的角色。

    Meanwhile , as an integrated central platform , web-based on-line monitoring plays a more and more important role in business disposal and decision - making .

  8. 该模型综合了波特的三段式风险管理模式和罗宾斯的经典管理理念,主要包括信用组织的建立、信用信息的收集、风险评价、决策实施、评价与控制等环节。

    This model combines the method of Porter 's three-stage control with the typical management theory of Robins . In the model there are several duties including setting up credit organization , credit information collection , risk evaluation , credit decision performance , evaluation and control .

  9. 研究中国西部地区特色旅游业的发展战略,对领导决策实施西部大开发,实施战略性产业结构优化以及利用优势特色资源,坚持可持续发展,发展特色经济等都将具有重要的理论和现实经济意义。

    Studying the strategies to the featured tourism of western areas has the theoretical and realistic significance for the leaders ' decision to development western areas , to optimize the industry structure , to make use of the advantage of featured resources , and to persist sustainable development strategy etc.

  10. 义务是PEP必须与授权决策的实施一起执行的动作。

    Obligations are the actions that must be performed by the PEP in conjunction with the enforcement of an authorization decision .

  11. 从风险管理角度论述了BOT项目决策策划实施程序及项目决策因素的系统分析、可以为政府引入BOT项目提供技术支持。

    Discusses the decision factors and planning programming of decision making for BOT project in risk management , which provides technical support for local government to introduce BOT project .

  12. 本文的研究既可以为豫源电厂2×600MW机组拟建项目的立项决策和实施提供建议,对其它类似项目也具有参考意义。

    This study can provide suggestions to its decision making and implementation and with a reference value to the similar project .

  13. 全球不同国家的MBA学员可利用该课程的模拟系统经历企业经营的主要过程:总体战略的制定及实施、生产和研发职能战略、产品销售职能战略以及财务职能战略的决策和实施。

    Utilizing the simulating system , student from different countries in the world are experiencing the main management process of large enterprises : establishment and implementation of the overall strategy ; the decision-making and implement of the functional strategies for production , research and development , product sales and finance .

  14. 任何项目的投资决策乃至实施必须进行可行性研究。

    Investment decision and implemention of any project must carry on feasibility research .

  15. 绿色生态纸业战略的决策与实施

    Policy making of the green-ecological paper strategy and its implementationProducer : LI Jian-hua

  16. 驱动企业作出项目外包决策和实施的根源却从来没有进行过系统的探究。

    However , sourcing driving project outsourcing decision and implementing is never systematically studied .

  17. 中国援建坦赞铁路:决策、实施与影响

    China 's Aid to Tan-Zam Railway : Its Consideration , Building Progress and Impacts

  18. 力图为政府有关部门和物流企业(生产、销售和流通)的决策及实施提供一些参考。

    In order to provide some references for the government and logistics business enterprises .

  19. 该系统由风险评价、完整性维护决策和实施效果检测三部分组成。

    The system consists of risk assessment , decision-making of integrity maintenance and evaluation results .

  20. 短临地震预报决策及其实施程序的研究

    Research on policy decisions for short & term and impending earthquake predictions and their implementation procedures

  21. 公共政策决策和实施的参与者各有不同的观点。

    S : Participants in public policy decision - making and implementation have different points of view .

  22. 货币政策的决策与实施依赖于特定的宏观环境和微观基础。

    The decision and implementation of monetary policy depends on the specific macro economic environment and micro foundation .

  23. 近年来决策部门实施的改革举措实际上是对理论界多方探讨的一种综合。

    In fact , implementing reform measure of decision-making departments is the integration of theories discussion in recent years .

  24. 但由于项目县政策环境的影响,虽然建立了“指导老师”的机制,仍然难以保证“青年代表”在项目县层面决策和实施的“青年参与”;

    Though'supervisor'mechanism was set up , it was difficult to ensure'youth participation'because of policy environment at program county level .

  25. 社区居民不仅是社区服务的直接受益者,同时也是社区服务的直接参与者,可通过社区自治和志愿者服务活动,参与社区服务决策与实施,并为社区居民提供服务。

    Residents are not only the direct beneficiaries of community service , but also direct participants in community service .

  26. 政府垄断着城市更新的决策和实施,其他的利益相关方只是被动的接受,没有参与性。

    The government monopolizes the decision-making and implementation of the urban renewal . Other stakeholders are just a passive acceptance .

  27. 同一种决策的实施,在自然与社会基本条件不同的地区所带来的效应或影响往往产生惊人的差异。

    The consequence and impact of implementing the same policy to regions with different social and environmental conditions usually differs greatly .

  28. 共青团组织没有参与项目的决策和实施,无法使其在项目实施中发挥积极的促进作用。

    The youth league wasn 't involved in policy making and implementation , which made it difficult to elaborate its active function .

  29. 原有决策的实施将危及决策目标的实现时,对目标或决策方案所进行的一种根本性的修正就是追踪决策。

    When the practice of original decision endangers the realization the goal , the basic correction for the aim is pursuing decision .

  30. 项目评估是项目管理中一个非常重要的环节,它的根本作用是为项目的决策和实施提供支持的依据。

    Investment-project evaluation is a very important part of the project management and it gives foundations to decision and implement of project .