
  • 网络Length;effective length;active length;Leff
  1. 采用有限元ANSYS软件,分析了相同活塞有效长度下的单线圈与双线圈结构磁流变阻尼器的磁场分布情况。

    The magnetic distribution of the single-coil and dual-coil magnetic rheological dampers with the same effective piston length was analyzed by using the finite element ANSYS software .

  2. 车站到发线有效长度为700m;

    The length of receiving - departure track is 700 meters in station .

  3. 使用有效长度为300mm的丙酮作散射介质,已获得补偿了相位畸变的100mJ以上调Q激光输出。

    By using acetone ( 300mm in length ) as the scattering medium , Q-switched laser output of 100 mJ which compensated phase distortion has been obtained .

  4. 对传感器的灵敏度与传感光纤的有效长度、U形结构的个数之间的关系进行了理论分析,实验结果和理论分析结果是一致的。

    The theoretical analysis of optical fiber sensor sensitivity relying on the effective length of sensing fiber and number of U type optical fiber is given . Experimental results are in accord with theoretical analysis of sensitivity .

  5. 毛细管长度570mm,有效长度500mm;

    The capillary length was 570 mm with the effective one of 500 mm .

  6. 本文定性分析了GaN基LED的电流扩展效应,发现电流密度,n-GaN掺杂浓度和电流横向扩展的有效长度对电流的均匀扩展有很大影响。

    The applied current density , the n-type doping concentration and the effective length of the lateral current transport are found to have a considerable effect on the uniform current spreading .

  7. 所用毛细管规格为内径100μm,总长31cm,有效长度20cm;

    The size of the capillary column was 31 cm × 100 μ m i.d. with an effective length of 20 cm .

  8. 利用OFDM信号自相关函数的特点,给出了OFDM信号参数的盲估计方法,包括时域和频域两种有效长度估计方法、载波估计方法、频偏和定时估计方法。

    Using properties of the auto-correlation function of OFDM signal , the methods of parameters blind estimation are presented , which are two methods to estimate the effective length , the carrier frequency estimation method , frequency offset and timing synchronization estimation method .

  9. EBH-132型掘进机接地比压及有效长度探讨

    Talking of Pressure and Effective Length for Cutter of EBH-132 Tunnel Roadheader

  10. HDBaseT标准的最大有效长度为100米,远远超过HDMI线。这可能带来电视信号传输方式上的革新。

    The100-meter maximum length for HDBaseT is significantly longer than what is possible with HDMI , and will make possible new ways for displaying TV signals .

  11. 研究表明,当柱远端刚接时,推导的方程式类似于GB50017规范附录D表D-1给出的无侧移刚接框架柱的有效长度系数计算公式;

    The research results show : when the far end of column is rigidly connected with next column , the derived equation degenerates to an equation for determining the μ - factor of columns in non-sway rigid frames ;

  12. 半刚性钢框架柱有效长度系数的计算方法

    Calculating Methods of Semi-rigid Steel Frame ′ s Effective Length Coefficient

  13. 的影响极大。由于群速匹配,参量带宽很大,大大增加了最大有效长度和能量转换效率。

    And maximum effective length and conversion efficiency are enhanced largely .

  14. 文中还给出了纤维透镜的有效长度计算结果。

    The effective lengths of fiber lens are also calculated here .

  15. 有侧移半刚性连接组合框架柱的有效长度系数

    Effective length factor of columns in sway and semi-rigid composite frames

  16. 在相同的轴向尺寸下,螺旋结构天线提高天线的有效长度,达到提高天线效率的目的。

    The latter improves efficiency of antenna at the same length .

  17. 炉内烟气辐射换热有效长度分析

    Analysis of Effective Length of Gas Radiant Heat Transfer in Furnace

  18. 国际照明委员会1960年均匀色度标尺图上等温线的有效长度的视觉研究

    Effective length of Isotemperature lines on the CIE 1960 UCS diagram

  19. 永磁起动机机壳有效长度确定

    The Determination of Effective Length of housing In PM Starting Motor

  20. 火灾下方形截面钢管混凝土柱的有效长度取值

    Effective lengths of concrete-filled steel square hollow sections in fire

  21. 纤维绳芯钢丝绳断丝有效长度

    Effective Length of Fractured Wire in A Wire Rope With Fibrous Core

  22. 齿廓偏差;有效长度;起测点;终测点;

    Tooth profile deviation ; Effective length ; Initial point ; End point ;

  23. 有效长度系数对于这种连接的设计起关键作用。

    The effective length factor for the compression design of the cleat is considered .

  24. ,其有效长度为28.5cm。

    Having an effective length of 28.5 cm .

  25. 弧形钢闸门柱的有效长度

    Effective length of columns in steel radial gates

  26. 碳链有效长度预测有机物的气相色谱指数

    Estimation of gas chromatography retention index for organic compound using the QUASI-LENGTH of carbon chain

  27. 竖向荷载下单桩有效长度计算

    Valid length of Pile under Vertical Load

  28. 推导了扭杆有效长度、刚度、可靠性的计算公式;

    This paper Deduced effective length , stiffness and reliability formula of designed torsion bar ;

  29. 计算表明:有效长度大于内接圆直径约5倍时,计算机械长度的经验公式比较准确

    The computational results from empirical formulas are accurate when the effective length was about 5 t

  30. 电枢绕组导线的有效长度

    Active length of armature winding