
  • 网络polymer materials;Organic Polymer Materials;polymeric materials;organic polymeric material
  1. 荒漠化治理中应用的有机高分子材料

    Organic Polymer Materials Applied in Desertification Control

  2. 给出了对新型高导热性能有机高分子材料的导热系数测试结果。

    Test was carried out on a kind of new high molecular polymer .

  3. 国家自然科学基金有机高分子材料学科八五重点项目的成果介绍与九五项目管理概况

    Achievement of Key Projects on Organic Polymeric Materials Granted by NSFC in 1992-1995 and

  4. 为了改性具有芳烃基团的有机高分子材料,用苯甲酸改性碱性钙基膨润土制备了苯甲酸有机膨润土。

    In order to modify aromatic polymer , benzoic acid-bentonite was synthesized by treating alkaline Ca-bentonite with ben-zoic acid .

  5. 其研究工作包括有机高分子材料、有机小分子材料和有机分子晶体材料的电学、光学等性质。

    The electrical and optical properties of organic polymer , small molecular , molecular crystal semiconductors and so on have been studied .

  6. 本文第一章简要介绍了材料、高分子材料、金属有机高分子材料、金属有机缩聚高分子、金属有机配位聚合物和金属有机高分子磁性材料。

    In chapter 1 of this paper , simply introduces material polymer materials , organometallic polycondensate , organometallic coordination polymer and organometallic polymeric magnetic materials .

  7. 从国内外浮岛的研究现状看,目前在工程实例中广泛采用的是有机高分子材料载体,无机材料的浮岛尚处于实验研究阶段。

    From the present study condition of floating islands both here and abroad , we know that it is far-ranging to use organic carriers in projects and infrequent to use inorganic material .

  8. 采用模压成型-粒子溶出法制备的三维醇溶蛋白多孔支架除了具有良好的空间结构外,还具有其它天然有机高分子材料所欠缺的优良力学性能。

    The three-dimensional zein porous scaffolds were prepared through a compression molding-salt leaching method , which had better spacial structure and the excellent mechanical properties that is lacking in other native organic macromolecule materials .

  9. 目前最受关注的非线性光学材料包括半导体材料、有机高分子材料和非线性光学玻璃材料等。在材料非线性问题中的摄动有限元法

    Among them , solid-state nonlinear materials including semiconductor materials , polymeric media and nonlinear optical glass are particularly attractive for their easy handling . The Perturbation Finite Element Method for Solving Problems with Nonlinear Materials

  10. 概述了影响有机高分子材料燃烧的各种因素和条件,讨论了聚合物的燃烧理论,提出了抑制聚合物燃烧或阻燃的方法。

    Various factors and conditons that influence the flammability of polymeric materials have ben introduced . The burning theories of polymers have ben discussed , and also methods for flame retardation of Polymer combustion have been developed .

  11. 因此,掺杂剂的引入是一种增强有机导电高分子材料导电性的重要方法,而我们研究的KCl掺杂聚苯甲亚胺,在合适的掺杂浓度下,是一种潜在的导电高分子材料。

    Consequently , the introduction of dopant is one of the principle methods in an attempt to enhance the electrical conductivity of organic conducting materials .

  12. 碘掺杂的聚苯硫醚的带隙很小(为1.278eV),是一种良好的有机高分子导电材料。

    Owing to the quite narrow band gap ( 1.278eV ), iodine-doped poly ( p-phenylene sulfide ) is an outstanding organic conducting material .

  13. 这是聚合物/碳纳米管复合材料发展的关键问题,化学功能化技术是解决这些问题的方法之一。聚硅氧烷(DMS)是主链由硅和氧组成的有机高分子合成材料。

    In this regard , a key issue in development of polymer / CNTs composites is how to maximize the compatibility between CNTs and matrix polymer . Chemical functionalization technique is one of the methods for solving these problems . Siloxane ( DMS ) is composed by silicon and oxygen .

  14. 本文详细综述了低维度光电导有机高分子功能材料的分子设计、材料制备、研究手段和发展概况。

    In this paper , The molecular design , material preparation , research methods and recent progresses of low-dimensional photoconductive organic polymer materials are detailed re-viewed .

  15. 聚烯烃一直是有机高分子合成材料最重要的产品,而聚烯烃由于物理机械性能上,特别在强度、硬度、模量、韧性等方面与工程塑料的差距限制了其应用范围。

    Polyolefin are always the most important products of organic polymer materials , but the mechanical properties of polyolefin , especially in toughness , strength , hardness and modulus , are somewhat worse than engineering plastics , which limits the application range .

  16. 有机导电高分子材料由于其良好的导电性能、特殊的光学性质和潜在的应用前景,有关方面的研究已经成为新型有机功能材料领域的明星课题。

    The related research on the organic conducting polymers has become a star project associated with novel organic functional materials , which can be ascribed to the excellent conducting property , unique optical property , and potential application prospect of the organic conducting polymers .

  17. OIS经成型和干燥后即可方便地形成耐溶剂性的有机无机杂化高分子材料,如透明薄膜和高弹纤维。

    The OIS , after molding and drying , gives easily transparent , solvent resistant membrane and high elastic fiber , those are actually the organic inorganic hybrid polymers .

  18. 其次,通过功能性POSS与热固性树脂的反应,合成出均相杂化树脂,然后再对杂化树脂进行固化,得到无机组分与高分子基体通过化学键连接、均匀分散的有机无机杂化高分子材料。

    Secondly , functional octa ( aminosilsesquioxane ) reacted with thermosetting epoxy resin to synthesize uniform hybrid resin , which was cured afterward to obtain organic inorganic polymeric hybrid materials , in which inorganic components bonded covalently with organic matrix and dispersed uniformly .

  19. 离子色谱在有机物和高分子材料分析中的应用

    Application of ion chromatography in analysis of organic compounds and polymer materials

  20. 本论文主要是围绕如何制备高性能的有机无机高分子复合材料而展开的。

    The thesis is focusing on how to fabricate high-performance organic-inorganic polymer composites .

  21. 有机和高分子磁性材料因其潜在的应用价值而得到了广泛的研究。

    Organic and polymeric magnets have received considerable interests due to their potential applications .

  22. 大多数有机和无机高分子材料是反磁性的,磁场对反磁性高分子最重要的作用是取向和集中。

    The most important magnetic field effects on purely diamagnetic molecules are magnetic orientation and concentration .

  23. 论文第一部分首先综述了有机和高分子磁性材料的研究背景和进展。

    In the first part , the background and progress of organic and polymeric magnetic materials are reviewed .

  24. 笔者从化学利用的角度,论述了二氧化碳在无机化工、有机化工、高分子材料方面的资源利用和发展前景。

    The chemical utilization of carbon dioxide in inorganic chemical , organic chemical and polymer materials , and its development prospect , were reviewed .

  25. 有机或高分子磁性材料则因其结构的多样性,磁性在分子水平上可调,以及密度小、易加工等特点已经引起科技工作者越来越多的重视。

    In addition , the organic or polymeric magnetic materials have received more and more attentions for their characteristics of structural diversity , low density , easy process and the controllable magnetic feature in the submolecular level .

  26. 三光气由于其合成和参加反应的条件都比较温和,而且选择性强、收率高、使用安全方便、易运输储存,在医药、农药、有机化工和高分子材料等领域正在得到广泛的应用。

    Triphosgene is increasingly used in the fields of medicine , pesticide , organic chemistry and macromolecule material with advantages of mild synthesis and reaction conditions , strong selectivity , excellent yield , safe handling and handy storage and transportation .

  27. 基于互穿网络的有机/无机高分子复合材料的制备及结构、性能研究

    Preparation and Characterization of Polymer / SiO_2 Composites Based on the Theory of IPN

  28. 系统地叙述了目前应用最广泛的有机高分子分离膜的材料。

    The materials of organic polymer separation membrane which is most widely used for the time being have been systematically described .

  29. 具有半互穿网络结构的两性吸水树脂的合成及性能研究基于互穿网络的有机/无机高分子复合材料的制备及结构、性能研究

    The Study on Synthesis and Characteristics of Semi-IPN Amphoteric Absorbent Resins ; Preparation and Characterization of Polymer / SiO_2 Composites Based on the Theory of IPN

  30. 长链共轭聚席夫碱是有机高分子导电吸波材料中的一类,该类材料由于其特殊的单、双键主链结构,往往具备良好的导电性能和吸波性能。

    Long-chain conjugated Schiff bases is in a new class of organic conductive polymer absorbing materials possessing single and double bonds in its main chain . Long-chain conjugated Schiff bases have good electrical conductive properties and microwave absorbing properties .