
  • 网络Service Scenarios;servicescape
  1. 方案聚焦老年人日常生活涉及的出行、就医、文娱、办事等7类高频事项和服务场景,提出了2020至2022年期间的工作目标。

    The plan sets objectives for work in the 2020-2022 period focusing on seven types of services and scenarios services .

  2. 一个典型的Web服务场景就是采用现有的应用程序,并将它作为一个Web服务来公开。

    A typical Web services scenario is to take an existing application and expose it as a Web service .

  3. 存在两种基本的Web服务场景,下面几个部分将对此进行介绍:提供者和使用者。

    There are two basic Web services scenarios , which are covered in the next sections : provider and consumer .

  4. WCF针对通用的Web服务场景提供了一套预定义的绑定。

    WCF provides a set of predefined bindings for the most common web service scenarios .

  5. SOAP节点用于实现常见的Web服务场景,并且一般是使用Web服务的新消息流的最佳选择。

    SOAP nodes are used together to implement common Web services scenarios and are generally the best choice for new message flows working with Web services .

  6. 您可以忽略警告并继续代码生成,但当您进入整个Web服务场景中时,可能不能适当地部署或执行Web服务。

    You can ignore the warning and continue the code generation , but the Web services may not deploy or function properly when going through the whole Web services scenario .

  7. 然后结合数字旅游服务场景,运用流演算执行器FLUX,实现了基于流演算的上下文感知的Web服务组合模型。

    Then we implement the Fluent Calculus based , context-aware Web service composition model using FLUX ( Fluent Calculus executor ) with " digital tourism service " such a scenario .

  8. 顾客不良行为在服务场景中非常普遍。

    Customer dysfunctional behavior is very common in the service scenarios .

  9. 该方法对典型服务场景中顾客的个性化的服务需求进行分类和总结,并将其归纳为有限的、可重用的约束模式。

    The method does classifications and summaries to service requirements in typical service scenarios , and deduces them into limited and reusable constraint patterns .

  10. 所以本研究提出的模型是基于现实服务场景,可并行多个服务请求的并行服务请求的。

    Therefore , this study proposed model is based on the reality of service scene , parallel service request multiple service requests in parallel .

  11. 请考虑下面的Web服务调用场景。

    Consider the following Web Service invocation scenario .

  12. 客户机是ProcessServer中调用规则服务的场景。

    In Process Server , the client will be the scenario running in Process Server that invokes the rule service .

  13. 在通常的Web服务调用场景中,Web服务客户机准备调用,并随后调用Web服务。

    In a normal Web service invocation scenario , a Web service client prepares the call and invokes the Web service .

  14. 本文将重点讨论八个SOA解决方案场景中的第二个:服务连接性场景。

    This article focuses on the second of the eight SOA solution scenarios : the Service Connectivity scenario .

  15. 在下一篇文章中,我们将重点介绍更为面向Web服务的场景,在继续下一篇文章之前,我们将这两种情形(JMS/MQ和Web服务)结合在一起。

    In the next article , we will focus on a more Web services-oriented scenario , before we continue and tie both of these worlds ( JMS / MQ and Web services ) together .

  16. 服务连接性场景的核心是ESB的概念、应用和实现。

    At the heart of the Service Connectivity scenario are the concept , application , and implementation of the ESB .

  17. 它可处理将手动任务呈现为不透明的独立Web服务的场景(可从BPEL流程或采用Java™编写的程序等调用该服务)。

    It also addresses scenarios where human tasks are rendered as opaque stand-alone Web services that can be invoked from a BPEL process or a program written in Java ™, for example .

  18. 对于传入消息为anyType的服务网关场景,现在可以将数据处理程序逻辑转移到中介流中。

    For service gateway scenarios where the incoming message is of anyType , the data handler logic can now be moved into the mediation flow .

  19. 在许多实际的企业服务总线场景中,这是至关重要的。

    This can be critical in many real world enterprise service bus scenarios .

  20. 在服务网关场景中使用中介策略可简化中介流。

    Using mediation policies in a service gateway scenario leads to a simplification in mediation flow .

  21. 在服务创建场景中,标识所需的服务之后,将定义和实现服务的低级规范。

    During the service creation scenario , after identifying the required services , the services'low-level specifications are defined and implemented .

  22. 但是,学者已证明情绪等心理变量在服务失误场景中对抱怨行为的影响要远大于经济效益评估变量的影响。

    However , scholars have proven emotional and other psychological variables in the service failure scenarios explain more complaint behavior than the economic variables .

  23. 服务连接性场景演示了服务提供者和使用者之间的连接性,并促进新的和现有的服务跨多个交付通道重用。

    The Service Connectivity scenario demonstrates the connectivity between service producers and consumers , fostering reuse of new and existing services across multiple delivery channels .

  24. 来自“信息作为服务”场景和“互操作和协作服务”场景的信息对服务进行标识之后,会将该服务用于“服务创建”场景中。

    The services identified from both the Information as a Service and the Interaction and Collaboration Service scenario are used in the Service Creation scenario .

  25. 正如服务创建场景的访问模式中所述,间接公开和直接公开的区别在于其中包含了服务组件层。

    As explained in Access patterns for Service Creation scenario , the main difference between indirect and direct exposure is the inclusion of a service component layer .

  26. 研究中设置高水平和低水平的服务补救场景和服务失误场景,研究其对顾客服务补救期望、满意度及行为的影响。

    In the research , service recovery scenarios were set into a high level and low level of service recovery , as well as a service failure scenario .

  27. 在此服务管理场景中,您将考虑正在面对以下困难的组织:监视和管理对不同服务使用者公开的服务。

    In this service management scenario , you look at an organization that 's facing difficulties in monitoring and managing the services that are exposed to different service consumers .

  28. 服务连接性场景进一步发展了该思想,并基于“重用资产比从头构建资产更好”这一中心主题。

    The Service Connectivity scenario takes this idea one step further , and builds upon the pivotal theme that it 's better to reuse assets than it is to build them from scratch .

  29. 针对基于全局名字服务调用场景的集群系统,在已有的开放源码局部名字服务基础上,通过设计集群支持服务扩展原始名字服务功能以支持全局名字空间管理,从而利用全局名字服务特性实现集群需求。

    For the global naming service based solution , basing our prototype on some open source local naming server , we implement the clustering requirements by designing a cluster support service to extend the original local naming service to maintain global naming space .

  30. 还可以看到外部用户、系统或应用程序需要引用提供者服务时SOA场景状况。

    You also see how SOA scenarios would look with external users , systems , or applications needing to reference the provider services .