
  1. 然后,将介绍医疗制度,服务递交和实践的选择的,特异的领域和方面。

    Then it will introduce selective , specific areas and aspects of the health care system , service delivery , and practices .

  2. 当注册脚本时,要求其他对象将其所有脚本和服务引用真正递交给scriptmanager。

    Other objects are asked to hand over to the real ScriptManager all of their script and service references when scripts are being registered .

  3. 向服务提供方递交申诉书时有效的条例版本可应用到由此开始的行政诉讼中。

    He version of these Rules in effect at the time of the submission of the complaint to the Provider shall apply to the administrative proceeding commenced thereby .

  4. 开始时,我会向您说明应用程序如何将信息内容(存储在DataSource中)和股票信息(从Web服务处获得)递交给JSP页的。

    To get you started , I 'll outline how the application delivers news content ( which is stored in the DataSource ) and stock details ( which are obtained from a web service ) to the JSP page .

  5. 各婚姻登记处会继续提供现有与婚姻登记有关的服务,例如接受递交拟结婚通知书、主持婚礼及提供婚姻登记纪录等。

    Existing marriage related services provided by marriage registries , such as accepting notice of intended marriage , celebrating marriage , providing marriage records , etc. , will continue .

  6. 根据国家工商行政管理总局商标局信息,在这些申请人中,北京的一家提供减肥服务的公司甚至递交了10份不同申请,范围从化妆品到营养补剂,希望将“伊万卡”的名字用作其产品的商标。

    One Beijing-based weight-loss company even filed 10 different requests to use ' Ivanka ' on nutritional supplements and cosmetics , according to the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry And Commerce .

  7. 这项服务需要以个人数码证书作数码签署,以确保在使用服务时递交的个人资料完整及保密。

    To sign the application , you need to have the personal digital certificate , which can also ensure the confidentiality and integrity of personal data submitted in the application .