
  1. 语义Web服务信誉度通过对一个语义Web服务过去的表现进行综合,为其预期的行为作出评价。

    Reputation evaluated the semantic Web service according to its past behavior .

  2. 一种基于虚拟域的开放式语义WEB服务信誉度模型

    Improving Reliability of Reputation Model for Open Semantic Web Services with Virtual-Community Concept

  3. 语义Web服务信誉度模型

    A Different Reputation Model of Semantic Web Service

  4. 经过分析,提出了一个以本体为基础的语义Web服务信誉度评估过程及评估模型,深入研究了信誉度评估算法与具体实现,以提高在语义Web服务选择中的准确性和可靠性。

    A evaluation process and model that are based on the ontology are put forward in this paper , credit evaluation algorithm and realization are studied deeply , the accuracy and the credibility will be enhanced of the selection in the semantic Web services .

  5. 公司产品在用户中确立了良好的质量信誉和售后服务信誉。

    The company 's products in user established good reputation and quality of service prestige .

  6. 本公司具有良好的服务信誉,产品深受用户的信赖和推崇。

    Our company has a good reputation ; our products are popular and panegyrical by the customers .

  7. 以高品质的产品和最好的服务信誉来满足新老客户的需求。

    To high-quality products and credibility of the best service to meet the needs of new and old customers .

  8. 本公司获中国保护消费者基金会颁发的“国内市场首批服务信誉保证优势示范单位”荣誉;

    We obtain the honor of'preponderant demonstration unit guaranteeing service and prestige in domestic market'awarded by the Fund Association for Protecting Consumers of China .

  9. 本公司以“服务信誉最高、质量最可靠、品种最全、价格最实惠”为立业之本,竭诚欢迎国内外客户朋友洽谈合作。

    Based on the highest reputation and credible quality , the complete range of articles and the most competitive prices , we sincerely welcome the customers at home and abroad to contact us .

  10. 该模型为服务信誉度加入了语义信息,并综合了第三方权威机构的评价,使得信誉度值更有效和准确。

    This model has the advantage of adding the semantic information into the service reputation and integrating the evaluation of third party authority organization , which makes the reputation evaluation more efficient and exact .

  11. 提出了一种针对语义Web服务的信誉度模型,并实现了该模型。

    A reputation model for semantic web service is proposed .

  12. 为了解决这个问题,本文定义了Web服务的信誉度描述,并用它来描述Web服务的可信任性和服务质量等信息。

    In order to overcome this , the Reputation description for Web Services is defined by the author in this paper .

  13. 中国商业发展中心授予“质量、服务、信誉AAA企业。”

    China Business Development Center awarded the " quality , service , credit AAA enterprise . "

  14. 鉴于格林比特(天津)生物信息技术有限公司的质量、服务、信誉的整体水平,被国家授予“全国质量、服务、信誉AAA”殊荣。

    Green Bit ( Tianjin ) Biometric Systems JV , in view of the general level of its quality , services and credit , has been rewarded the title of " National AAA Enterprise of Quality , Service and Credit " .

  15. 交易原则:价格合理,诚信交易,优质服务,信誉保证;

    Trading principles : reasonable price , good faith transactions , services , credit guarantees ;

  16. 商业标识象征着商品或服务的信誉,是企业无形价值的载体。

    Business identity of goods or services , is invisible to the value of the carrier .

  17. 专业、品质、服务、信誉、前谵一直是晴山推动艺术的最高原则。

    Professionalism , quality , service , reputation and vision are the highest principles for promoting art .

  18. 我们追寻的目标是:质量,服务,信誉,责任,超越您的期望。

    The goal we are chasing is : quality , service , reputation , responsibility , beyond your expectation .

  19. 我们将以质量、服务、信誉为前提,为用户提供满意的服务。

    We set " quality , service , credit " as precondition , and provide satisfactory service for our customers .

  20. “质量、服务、信誉、创新”是我公司一贯遵循的准则。

    The quality , the service , the prestige & the innovation are criteria which our company all along follows up .

  21. 质量、服务、信誉是企业产品品牌的核心,是企业可持续发展的基础和根本。

    Quality , service and credit are three core elements of an enterprise 's brand , by which an enterprise gains sustainable development .

  22. “质量出精品,安全无事故,管理上一流,服务创信誉”是公司的经营宗旨。

    " Excellence with quality , safety without accidents , first class management , service for reputation " is the enterprise management cause .

  23. 我公司宗旨是:以质量求生存、以服务求信誉、以新产品求发展、以管理求效益。

    Our company tenet is that the existence is based on quality , reputation on service , development on new products , benefit on management .

  24. 公司始终坚持“以质量求发展、以品牌拓市场、以服务求信誉”作为公司生存和发展的基石。

    We always insist the policy that " high quality make advantage , famous brand develop good market , excellent service make trust and success " .

  25. 连续四年被成都装饰行业协会评为“服务、信誉双优”称号。董事长张发明也连续四年被评为“优秀企业经理”称号。

    The chairman of board of our company , Zhang Faming , has also been entitled of " Excellent Enterprise Man-age " for four consecutive years .

  26. 品牌是企业产品性能、质量、服务、信誉的概括和反映,品牌具有营销功能、获利功能和竞争功能。

    Brand generally reflects the nature , quality , service and prestige of an enterprise 's products , and has the function of marketing , profiting and competing .

  27. 我厂始终坚持“以人才为依托;以质量求生存;以服务赢信誉;以信誉求发展”的经营宗旨,不断开拓创新、追求卓越。

    Our factory insists on objectives of " take the talented person as support , make living by quality , win honor with service , seek development with prestige " .

  28. 版权归您:诚信服务,信誉至上,为客户保密,付费后版权归已,保证质量,不满意负责免费修改;

    Belongs to you : sincere service , reputation first , customer confidentiality , after paying copyright has , ensure the quality , not satisfied with the free of charge modification ;

  29. 此外,女性更重视品牌的创新、群体认同等因素,男性更关注品牌服务、信誉等方面的因素。

    Moreover , females pay more attention to factors such as innovation of brand and group identity , while males attach more importance to factors like service and reputation of brand .

  30. “科技、质量、服务、信誉”为经营理念,公司以过硬的质量、较低的售价、完善的售后服务为宗旨。

    It regards " Science and technology , quality , service , reputation " as business philosophy , and orients perfect quality , reasonable price , perfect after-sales service as the purpose .