
  • 网络service location;srv;DNS SRV
  1. 在“角色服务位置”和“web设置服务位置”文本框中,指定每一个服务的服务位置(不包括文件名)。

    In the roles service location and web settings service location text boxes , specify the service location for each service , not including the file name .

  2. ESB使用弹性SOA所需的标准或自定义中间件来提供服务位置透明性、协议转换和一系列其他功能。

    An ESB provides service location transparency , protocol conversion , and a number of other functions using standard or custom mediations that are required for a resilient SOA .

  3. 本文在调研大量地理位置应用需求的基础上提出将Web资源地理位置区分为实体位置、内容位置和服务位置,并针对这三种不同的位置定义给出了一套自成体系的学习与检测架构。

    According to a comprehensive investigation into various geographic information needs , we first explicitly categorize Web locations into three types such as Provider Location , Content Location and Serving Location .

  4. 在许多需要将客户端代码与调用协议和服务位置解耦的情况中,CRISPY都能得到很好的应用。

    CRISPY can be used in many cases requiring decoupling of the client code from invocation protocols and service locations .

  5. 应用层主动网络服务位置与路由算法

    Problemes of Service Placing and Routing on Application Layer Active Network

  6. 接下来需要创四个服务位置记录。

    You next need to create four service location records .

  7. 我们开发并部署了一个示例应用程序来说明协议和服务位置透明性。

    A sample application was developed and deployed to demonstrate protocol and service location transparency .

  8. 服务位置的透明性。

    Transparency of the service position .

  9. 这样可以根据业务需求更改服务位置,而且不必暂停系统。

    This lets you change the service location depending on the business need without having to break the system .

  10. 但这造成了方案实现和服务位置的紧密耦合(位置耦合)。

    This approach introduces a tight coupling between the solution 's implementation and the service locations ( location coupling ) .

  11. 数据检索服务位置:请为要连接的数据源指定数据检索服务的位置。

    Data Retrieval Service Location : Specify the location of the data retrieval service for the data source that you want to connect to .

  12. 服务位置透明性也对资源的移动提供了支持,这意味着网格可以基于可用性扩展或收缩,必要时还可以移动。

    Service location transparency provides for mobility of such resources as well which means that the grid can expand or contract based on availability and move when necessary .

  13. 第一层次是处于核心地位的中介机构&风险投资公司,第二层次是处于为核心中介机构服务位置的其他辅助中介机构群体。

    The first level was the first class agent , called venture capital company , served as the core agent , and the second level was the other auxiliary agent group that provided services for the first class agent .

  14. 基于移动Web服务的位置感知系统模型研究

    Research of Location-aware systems model based on Mobile Web Service

  15. 事实上,客户机甚至不需要知道Web服务的位置。

    In fact , the client does not even need to know the location of the web service .

  16. 现在,您可以获取新部署的应用程序的Web服务WSDL位置。

    Now , you can get the Web service WSDL location of new deployed application .

  17. 您需要找到EJB服务的位置才能够访问这些API。

    You need to locate the EJB service to access these APIs .

  18. 客户程序要获得服务的位置并形成正确的XML信息发回到Web服务。

    The client is expected to get the location of the service and form the correct XML message to send to the Web service .

  19. 这种方法的另一个作用是,您可以看到如何不通过硬编码服务的位置构建Web服务的客户机。

    As a side effect of this , you can see how to build a client to a wb service without hardcoding the location of that service .

  20. 在向导的下一页上,键入要向其提交表单数据的web服务的位置,再单击“下一步”。

    On the next page of the wizard , type the location of the web service that you want to submit your form data to , and then click next .

  21. 正如图14所示的那样,资产消费的第一步就是查找服务的位置,或者是通过关键词从RAS元数据中直接搜索,或者是在RAS知识库中浏览资产。

    As Figure 14 shows , the first step in asset consumption is locating the service , either through an explicit search using keywords from the RAS meta-data , or by browsing assets in a RAS repository .

  22. 一致的配置&轻量级容器是一个便于提供一致配置服务的位置。

    Consistent configuration & Lightweight containers are a convenient place to provide consistent configuration services .

  23. 乔治·蓬皮杜:政治家是将自己放到他为国家服务的位置上的政客,而政客是将自己放到国家为他服务的位置上的政治家。

    A statesman is a politician who places himself at the service of the nation .

  24. 象这样的位置敏感服务挑战位置透明。

    Such location-aware services challenge location transparency .

  25. 例如,应用程序中可能会缓存所需服务的位置。

    For example , the location of a required service might be cached in the application .

  26. 该语言同时涉及服务的位置和绑定细节的定义。

    The language also addresses the definition of the location and binding details of the service .

  27. 端点可变性&可以在服务的位置选择方面实现可变点。

    Endpoint variability & Variation points can be implemented in the location choice for a service .

  28. 由于系统提供的服务是位置透明的,这些被购买的服务可能在组织外托管。

    Since the location of a system providing services is transparent , these acquired services may be hosted outside the organization .

  29. 久长以来,我们把农村落框定在间接为城市服务的位置上,而不是为乡村落居民服务。

    For a long time , we framed the rural areas for urban services in the indirect position rather than rural residents .

  30. 它提供了一层抽象,解耦了客户端代码与要访问的服务及其位置与底层实现。

    It provides a layer of abstraction to decouple client code from access to a service , as well as its location and underlying implementation .