
  1. 在高速公路服务设施布局方案的评价上,本文提出采用层次分析法来进行方案的评价,并对层次分析法在方案评价中的基本原理及具体应用进行了详细的阐述。

    In the expressway servicing facility configuration appraisal , this article proposed that uses the analytic hierarchy process to carry on the appraisal , and has carried on the detailed elaboration to basic principle and the concrete application .

  2. 网络化条件下高速公路服务设施设置布局研究

    Research on Location and Overall Arrangement of Service Station in Networked Expressway

  3. 旅游服务设施空间布局的整合在内容上分为旅游基础设施、旅游接待设施与康体娱乐设施的整合。

    The integration of tourism service facilities is consists of three parts ?

  4. 提出了研究区域服务设施空间布局的合理化建议。

    Thus rational suggestions on spatial arrangement of regional service infrastructure are proposed .

  5. 以期从理论上和实证上对高速公路服务设施的布局与评价作较为深入、系统的评价。

    Expected to analysis the expressway servicing facility layout and the appraisal on theoretically and real diagnosis thoroughly .

  6. 保障性住房的公共服务设施在布局配置和设计方面与其他类型的社区有着较明显的区别。

    Generally , public facilities of Indemnificatory Housing are different from those of other communities in terms of planning layout and architecture design .

  7. 城市边缘住区公共服务设施的布局,一方面要考虑边缘区居民的行为活动特点;

    To plan public service facilities in fringe living areas of a city , the behavioral characteristics of the surrounding residents must be taken into consideration .

  8. 第六章对园区公共服务设施的布局模式作了探讨,基于现状,对园区公共服务设施的规划布局提出具体构想和建议。

    Chapter 6 researches the planning mode of public service facilities in the park , points out how to improve the construction and development of public service facilities , then discusses the planning in detail .

  9. 服务业设施空间布局和结构特征一直是学术界研究的重点领域。

    The spatial structure and structure characteristics of service trades have always been one of the prior research programs for academia .

  10. 城市公共服务设施的合理布局是衡量社会和谐的重要标准之一,其空间布局的状况关系到城市运作的效率和质量。

    One of the rational distributions of urban public service and facilities is a vital element of a harmonious society , the number of the construction status and spatial distribution related to the efficiency and quality of the city .

  11. 最后以人的出行规律研究为基础,确定了服务区内出行活动链,提出了服务区设施布局优化方法。

    Finally based on the travel rules , determined the activities ' chain , puts forward the optimization method for facilities layout of Service areas .

  12. 结合大连市部分边缘住区配套服务设施建设情况的调查分析,对于城市边缘住区公共服务设施的布局与规划发展方面进行了一些初步探讨。

    Bases on the survey about the using of public service facilities to some residents living in the fringe areas of Dalian city , the planning and building of public service facilities in the fringe living areas are discussed preliminarily in this paper .