
  • 网络IT Service Management;service management system;ITSM
  1. 杜邦汽车涂料售后服务管理体系研究

    Research on the After-Sale Service Management System of Dupont Automotive Paint

  2. 健康体检后续服务管理体系在慢性非传染性疾病中的应用研究

    Application on health test follow up service management system in non-communicable chronic diseases management

  3. 一种基于QoS的Internet服务管理体系结构

    A Kind of Internet Service Management Architecture Based on QoS

  4. 提出了基于WebServices的服务管理体系结构,并设计和实现了基于XML服务管理信息模型和基于SOAP服务管理协议。

    Web services-based service management architecture is described , and XML-based service management information model and SOAP ( simple object access protocol ) - based service management protocol are designed and implemented .

  5. 建立高效的服务管理体系。

    Put forward the management model of " regional service unification " .

  6. 电信运营企业现代运维服务管理体系研究

    Study on the Modern Operation & Maintenance Management System for Telecom Operators

  7. 建立具有电力特色的IT服务管理体系

    Construction of Electric Power-featured IT Service & Management System

  8. 深圳市宝安区社区卫生服务管理体系分析

    Analysis of the Administrative System of Community Health Service in Bao'an District of Shenzhen City

  9. 宁夏农林科学院信息所图书馆信息服务管理体系的创新研究探讨

    Study on the Innovation of Library Information Service Management System in the Ningxia Academy of Agri-Forestry Sciences

  10. 导学群是针对电大开放教育的专门性的教学服务管理体系,在教学实践中存在许多困惑。

    Learners ' Guidance Group is the special teaching management service system , for which we have much puzzle in teaching practice .

  11. 目的了解深圳市宝安区社区卫生服务管理体系的特点,分析其优势与不足。

    OBJECTIVE To analyze the advantage and deficiency of the administrative system of community health service ( CHS ) in Bao an District .

  12. 政府,就业服务管理体系、社区、家庭和大众传播媒介等因素构成对下岗职工再社会化的支持功能系统。

    The government , employment service administrative system , community , family , and mass media are the factors that constitute the functional system of re-socialization .

  13. 由于服务管理体系架构的设计非常糟糕,服务无法满足高可用性、性能指标和已定义的服务水平协议的预期。

    The services weren 't able to meet expectations of high availability , performance metrics , and defined service level agreements due to poorly designed service management architecture .

  14. 进入到2011年,事业单位分类改革的时间表已经基本确定,政府对在2020年以前建立新的公共服务管理体系有着很高的期待。

    In 2011 , the timetable of the public utilities classification reform has been defined , the government has high expectations on establishment of a new public service system before 2020 .

  15. 最终将形成一套完整的、符合国内IT运营商特点的售后服务管理体系,为它们进一步加强自身售后服务管理水平提供借鉴,提升企业综合竞争力。

    The target for the paper is setting up an integrated after-sales management system to fit the IT operators . It can provide the reference to enhance the business after-sales level , promote business competitive strength .

  16. 第四部分从农产品结构、农产品加工、农业经营方式、农业政策和服务管理体系等方面对衡山县农业产业结构调整存在的问题及原因进行探讨。

    The fourth part from the structure of agricultural , agro-processing , forms of agriculture , agricultural policy and service management system and other aspects of the problems of Hengshan County agricultural structure adjustment and the reasons are discussed .

  17. 本文探讨在计算机和网络普及的环境下,建立高校的数字化图书馆服务管理体系,为读者提供优质的服务。

    With the popularity of PC computer and networks and based on the discussion on software , hardware , organization and librarians of library 's environment , this paper has established a digitalized library service management system of the university , and provided excellent service for its readers .

  18. 应用ISO9000标准建立护理服务质量管理体系文件

    Setup the nurse service quality management system documents according to ISO 9000 standard

  19. 构建奥运服务质量管理体系

    Design on the service quality management system of the Olympic Games

  20. 新一代互联网服务质量管理体系架构的研究

    Research on QoS Management Architecture of the Next Generation Internet

  21. 网络教育服务质量管理体系规范研究

    Research on Specification for Service Quality Management System of E-Learning

  22. 地方政府公共服务质量管理体系构建研究

    On the Establishment of Public Service Quality Management System in Local Government

  23. 港航企业服务质量管理体系研究

    The Research on Service Quality Management System in Port Enterprise and Shipping Enterprise

  24. 高校图书馆服务质量管理体系&ISO9000认证研究

    Study on Academic Library Service Quality Management System

  25. 分布协同式网络服务策略管理体系结构

    A Distributed Collaborative Architecture For Network Service Policies

  26. 服务营销管理体系与酒店绩效关系的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Service Marketing Management System and Hotels ' Performance

  27. 并应用霍尔三维结构模型构建奥运服务质量管理体系。

    Hall three dimensions structure model is applied to construct the service quality management system of the Olympic Games .

  28. 物流企业基于顾客价值,建立有效的物流服务质量管理体系十分必要。

    It is necessary for logistics enterprises to establish an effective system of logistics service quality based on customer value .

  29. 东单体育中心成功运行服务质量管理体系,为北京市其他体育场馆提供了借鉴。

    The Dong Dan Sport Center successfully circulates service quality management system and provideds to draw lessons from for other venues in Peking .

  30. 以市场平稳运行为目标建立完善的公共经济服务与管理体系。

    And try to set up a perfect public economy service and administration system according to the target that market can operate smoothly .