
  1. 商业性女性性服务人群心理状况调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Psychological Status among Female Commercial Sex Workers

  2. 例如像客户服务、心理咨询、教授课程等等的会话类型。

    Types like customer service or counseling , teaching and others .

  3. 山东省男男性服务者心理健康状况分析

    Mental status of money boy in Shandong province

  4. 他们也在努力为这些人提供适当的医疗服务和心理咨询。

    She says they try to provide the appropriate medical services and offer them psychosocial counseling .

  5. 方法对130例妇科治疗患者进行护理需求问卷调查,内容包括健康知识、护理服务、心理状态3个方面。

    The contents of the questionnaire included the knowledge of health , nursing services and psychological status .

  6. 同时,本文还尝试构建了服务型心理激励模式,提倡建设服务型行政心理环境,以期能以外在作用加快促进服务型行政心理的形成。

    Meanwhile , this thesis try to build an encouraging model , wish it can help to accelerate the forming of service administrative psychology .

  7. 性别对于经济、功能、隐私、身体、服务、心理风险有显著影响,并且女性对于这些风险的感知显著高于男性。

    Sex significantly affects financial , performance , privacy , physical , service , psychological risks , and female perceives more those risks than male .

  8. 因子分析表明,产后出血的主要危险因素可归结为4个方面:子宫收缩机能、助产技术、孕期保健服务和心理因素。

    The identified risk factors were statistically extracted four common factors , which including uterine contractility , obstetric technique , health care during pregnancy and psychology .

  9. 方法:对门诊注射室200例患者从健康知识、治疗环境、护理服务、心理状态4个方面进行问卷调查。

    Methods : A questionnaire investigation was conducted to 200 patients in injection room of OPD in the areas of health knowledge , treatment environment , service and mentality .

  10. 使新世纪的体育教师具有科研、社交、社区服务,心理承受高尚思想品德,自我调控能力等。

    Teacher of the new century should possess abilities for scientific research , social intercourse , community service , psychological endurance , noble character , and adjusting and controlling oneself etc.

  11. 方法对120例手术病人术前采用自行设计的问卷进行调查,问卷内容包括微创手术知识、手术环境、护理服务、心理需求4个方面,答卷结合访谈形式进行。

    Methods One hundred and twenty patients were investigated by self-designed questionnaire about knowledge , the operation environment , nursing service and mental needs , while interviews to them were conduced .

  12. 如何科学地评价心理辅导活动课的课堂教学,使之更好地服务于心理辅导活动课的开展,提高学校心理健康教育的实效性是亟待解决的问题。

    How to evaluate the class teaching of psychological health scientifically , make it serve for the development of psychological health courses and improve the efficiency of the education of psychological health is the problem needing solving immediately .

  13. 它是基于互联网或虚拟旅游技术,在现场之外完成虚拟景观游览、在线信息搜索、功能服务和心理体验等活动过程,开启了新旅游信息时代,是人们旅游活动的新方式。

    Based on internet or virtual tourism technology , it is an active process of the scene outside , such as the virtual landscape , online information search , functional and psychological experience , opening a new tourism information age and being a new way for people to tourism activities .

  14. 部分学生志愿者参与奥运会服务前后的心理变化分析

    Psychological Changes of Student Volunteers Before and After Participating Olympic Games Service

  15. 我们重新阐释了主要的健康关怀服务中的心理健康部分,

    We revised the mental health component of the primary health care services

  16. 这一项目提供的服务还包括心理测试和伤害咨询。

    Additional services provided by the program include psychological testing and trauma counseling .

  17. 高校图书馆网络咨询服务中渗透心理健康教育之探索

    On Network Consulting Services of the University Library Penetrating into the Mental Health Education

  18. 方法在计划生育服务中做好心理护理,提高护士业务素质和掌握咨询技巧等护理措施。

    Methods During the technique service of family planning , psychological nursing , professional skills and consultative techniques were improved .

  19. 服务型行政心理是指行政人员在服务型政府构建过程当中所表现出来的心理活动。

    Service administrative psychology means psychological activities of the administrator when they 're in the process of constructing service government .

  20. 实证数据分析显示,网站服务质量、心理成本、转换成本对网络零售商忠诚具有显著的影响。

    The empirical analysis reveals that website service quality , psychology cost , and switching cost significantly affect online retailer loyalty .

  21. 通过心理咨询和心理服务,营造心理和谐的读书环境,营造美的文化氛围和感人的艺术熏陶,促进学生心理健康。

    By means of psychological counsel and service , the harmonious atmosphere for reading and beautiful cultural environment is created to promote students'psychological health .

  22. 建立测试时做出了规定,这种检测只能在那些提供辅导服务,包括心理帮助的医疗机构进行。

    The testing was set up with the proviso that it is only be done at medical facilities that offer counselling , including psychological support .

  23. 服务型行政心理对于服务型政府的构建有促进和支撑的作用,服务型政府的构建也对服务型行政心理的形成有积极的影响。

    It can advance and sustain the service government 's constructing , also , service government 's constructing has the active effect to its building .

  24. 高校学生干部的培养,应着重思想政治素质、组织管理能力、统一协调能力、社交能力、表达能力、自学能力、进取创新意识、服务意识、心理健康素质的提高。

    In training student leaders we should focus our attention on the improvement of their overall qualities and abilities and the increase of their awareness of innovation and service .

  25. 英国人际关系服务公司的心理师保拉·霍尔说:“和谐是幸福关系的要素,但分歧是不可避免的。夫妻双方如何对待分歧是保证长久关系的关键。”

    Paula Hall , a relationship psychotherapist at the UK relationship service says : " Compatibility is an essential ingredient in relationship happiness , but some differences are inevitable . How couples manage those differences is the key to long-term success . "

  26. 结论加强职业性损伤防护知识的教育,提高服务素质和心理素质,提高自我防护能力,改善医疗操作环境,完善防护设施,合理配置人力资源,可降低护理人员职业性损伤发生率。

    Conclusion The rates of nurses ' occupational injuries can be reduced by enhanced education of protective knowledge of occupational injuries , raising service quality and mental quality , improving their ability of self protection , improving environment for medical manipulations , completing service facilities and reasonably distribute manpower .

  27. 摘要针对图书馆柔性化服务与读者心理环境之间关系的研究,提出了柔性化服务对读者心理环境产生的影响因素,实施图书馆柔性化服务的策略,促进校园文化、图书馆文化和谐发展。

    Based on the research on the relationship between library 's flexibility service and reader 's psychological environment , this paper puts forward some influencing factors the former brings to the latter and suggests providing flexibility service so that to advance harmonious development of campus culture and library culture .

  28. 对心理咨询业营销的创新就是运用服务营销理念对心理咨询业的4P组合策略进行补充,将整合营销战略、顾客满意战略、服务营销组合战略等用来指导心理咨询业的经营。

    The innovation to the psychology counseling is making use of the services marketing concept to reinforce the 4P combination strategies , applying the integrated marketing strategy , the customer-satisfied strategy and service marketing combination strategy to supervise the development of psychology counseling industry .

  29. 服务性企业员工心理受权的影响因素及其作用

    The Antecedents and Consequences of Employee Psycho-logical Empowerment in Service Firms

  30. 付小费可以减轻接受陌生人服务的不安心理。

    Tipping relieves anxiety about being served by strangers .