
  1. 2004/05年度进行的一次外界评估,建议我们扩展服务规模,因而乐施会也在东开普省(EasternCape)开展了工作。

    An external evaluation conducted in2004 / 2005 recommended that we scale-up the programme , and we have begun working in Eastern Cape , too .

  2. 理论上,GDP应是对所有符合国民经济核算准则的产品与服务规模的真实度量,然而诸多研究却显示,有相当一部分经济活动并未被核算到GDP指标之中。

    Theoretically , GDP is supposed to measure correctly of products and service scale , which are conformed to the accounting principles of national economy . However , according to some researches , quite a few of the economic activities are not included in the index of GDP .

  3. 认为集成化道路是扩大CSDL文献传递服务规模、提高服务效率、扩展文献资源和服务渠道的必由之路。

    The author points out that the integration of resources will be helpful for enlarging the scale of the CSDL serving , improving the serving efficiency and expanding the literature resources and service channels as well .

  4. 通过实验评测表明与简单遗传算法相比,GAELS算法能更快得到近似最优解,且随着服务规模增长,拥有更好的适应性。

    The in-depth experimental results show that the proposed algorithm GAELS can get the approximately optimal solution more quickly and be more adaptive to the expanding of candidate services than simple genetic algorithm .

  5. 政府出资的公共服务规模太小,特别是与增长率相比。

    Government-financed public services are too small , especially compared with the growth rate .

  6. 美国邮政已在考虑缩小服务规模,以应对众所周知的、其自身的财务问题。

    The institution is already considering reducing service to cope with its well-publicised financial problems .

  7. 现在您构建的服务规模更小了,大家都希望(而且应该)重用它们。

    Now you 're building smaller services that everyone wants to ( and should ) reuse .

  8. 与生产经营和服务规模相适应的资金和从业人员;

    Having funds and employees in conformity to the scale of business and service of the enterprise ;

  9. 中文服务规模将会削减,所有普通话广播节目已经停止。

    The Chinese service will be scaled back , with all radio programming in Mandarin Chinese closed .

  10. 服务规模从一家只有几名设计人员的小公司发展到在世界各地拥有多个大型设计团队。

    The service scales from a few designers in a single location to multiple large design teams distributed globally .

  11. 而且,社会化养老机构,无论是在机构数量、服务规模、服务质量上都极为有限。

    Moreover , socialization endowment organisations , both in quantity , service organization scale and service quality is very limited .

  12. 我们公司是集设计、生产、批发、销售售前和售后服务规模大、服务好、深受国内外厂商信赖的专业化厂家。

    Our company is a large-scale professional manufacturer deeply trusted by domestic and overseas customers , integrating development , production , wholesales and service .

  13. 他说,如果各州没有获得足够的资金,它们的预算压力可能会非常大,可能会因此裁员或是缩减服务规模。

    If the states do not get enough funds , they may be under so much budgetary pressure that they may need to engage in layoffs and cut back services .

  14. 目的:依据医院运行规律与特点,探讨如何合理定位医院服务规模,适时调整医院资源结构,从而实现医院卫生资源的最优化配置。

    Objective : To correctly predict the service demand and timely adjust the structure of hospital health resources , so as to achieve the optimal allocation of health resources in hospital ( OAHRH ) .

  15. 自改革开放以来,我国医疗卫生事业发展迅速,服务规模不断扩大,设施条件和技术水平都取得了较大的提高。

    Since the reform and opening up , the medical and health services have developed rapidly in China . The scale of medical service has expanded continuously , facilities and technical level have been greatly improved .

  16. 目前,iTunes音乐下载服务的规模仍是全球最大的。

    iTunes is still the world 's largest music download service .

  17. 在服务人员规模较小的条件下,如何满足客户的服务需求,提升客户服务的质量?成为F公司面临的一个问题。

    In the situation of fewer service persons , how can F company meet customer service needs and enhance customer service quality has become a tough problem .

  18. 安永(ernst&young)将合并其欧洲合伙企业,并纳入另外42个国家的业务,组成一个部门,这是自安达信(arthurandersen)破产以来专业服务行业规模最大的一次改革。

    Ernst & Young is to launch the biggest shake-up of the professional services industry since the collapse of Arthur Andersen , by merging its European partnerships and integrating a further 42 countries into a single unit .

  19. 土木工程的优化设计包括因素很多,本文用排队论的理论,对确定地下铁道车站服务区规模试探建立一个数学模型。

    Optimizing design in civil engineering involves a lot of factors .

  20. 确立地下铁道车站服务区规模的数学模型

    A Mathematical Model for Determining the Scale of Service Area in Subway Station

  21. 空车配货信息服务网络规模经济

    Scale Economy of Freight Information Service Network

  22. 设备数量将激增,而网络服务的规模十分庞大。

    Devices are going to proliferate , and web services are now being delivered at scale .

  23. 服务贸易规模迅速扩大,国际排名提升。

    The scale of service trade has expanded rapidly , with the ranking in global market improving .

  24. 广州市生产性服务业规模体系与空间布局研究&总部经济浪潮中的思考

    Scale System and Spatial Distribution of Producer Services in Guangzhou : Thinking in the Development of Headquarters Economy

  25. 基于遗传算法与小波神经网络的高速公路服务区规模参数研究

    Study on the Scale Parameter of the Expressway Service Area Based on the Wavelet Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm

  26. 由于证券交易所向上市公司提供的各种服务具有规模效应,因此当前的收费标准具有一定的合理性。

    Because of scale effect of services that stock exchanges offer , current charging standards of listing fees are rational .

  27. 现在,客户只需要将更多的JVMs/server添加到网格中,就可以扩大个人信息服务的规模。

    The customer can now scale up the profile service simply by adding more JVMs / servers to the grid .

  28. 如果交易达成,将成为最近几年亚太金融服务行业规模最大的交易之一。

    If agreed , it would be one of the largest transactions in the Asia-Pacific financial services sector in recent years .

  29. 运营商只可能会在某项服务的规模或盈利能力足以引起关注的情况下,才去考虑屏蔽该项服务。

    Operators are only likely to consider blocking a service when it has become big or profitable enough to warrant the attention .

  30. 民营企业涉足的领域不断扩大,资本及技术含量大为提高,对融资及金融服务在规模和方式上均有了更高的要求。

    With more fields explored by civilian-run enterprises and an increase of capital and technology , there is a great demand for financing and financial service .