
  • 网络Service density;service intensity
  1. 不同圈层分布中,核心区的景观服务密度最低。

    The different layer distribution in the core area of the landscape services the lowest density .

  2. 基于最大服务客流密度的公交线路优化设计模型研究

    Research on Transit Routes Network Design Based on an Maximum Service Density of Link

  3. 沟播平铺植棉与气象服务不同密度及施肥条件下水平沟耕作的生态效应

    Furrow Planting Cotton Covered with Plastic Film and It 's Meteorological Service ECOLOGICAL BENEFIT OF LEVEL FURROW PLANTING IN DIFFERENT FERTILIZATION AND DENSITY

  4. 然后基于势能模型,构建一套城市绿地可达性评价模型,并且分别赋予交通成本、服务人口密度和绿地景观吸引力50%、40%、10%的权重。

    Then based on the potential energy model , constructs a model of accessibility of urban green space evaluation , and given 50 % , 40 % , 10 % weights to transport costs , population density and the attractiveness of green landscape .

  5. 景观服务指标的密度分布与离散度呈明显的正相关。

    ⅲ The density distribution and dispersion of the landscape indicators was a significant positive correlation .

  6. 居民的景观服务感知主要来自居民点附近,随着与居民点距离的加大,景观服务点的密度逐渐降低。

    Views of residents perceived mainly from the vicinity of the settlements , landscape service point density decreased with the increased and settlements distance .