
  1. Web服务等待发送或接收消息时,资源可能缺乏也可能不缺乏。

    The resource is either scarce or isn 't scarce while Web services are waiting to send or receive a message .

  2. 旅游服务等待的产生具有深刻的内在动因,对服务质量和顾客满意度有深刻的影响。

    Tourism service waiting has its deep inherent reason and has deep effect on the quality of service and on customer satisfaction .

  3. 从理论上分析了用户的缓冲区分配原则、端口总线带宽、用户最大服务等待时间和最小缓冲区数量等工作参数。

    The method to allocate the data buffers , port bandwidth , maximum user waiting time and minimum user buffer requirements are analyzed theoretically .

  4. 如果应用程序和服务等待通过网络传输的数据,或者客户机无法连接它们或接收信息,就需要解决这些问题。

    If different applications and services are waiting for data over the network , or your clients are having trouble connecting or receiving the information , then you need to address these issues .

  5. 随着学者们对顾客等待质量研究的逐渐深入,发现顾客在等待过程中的心理感知更为重要,而且这种感知是决定顾客对服务等待质量评价的重要因素。

    With deeply research for customers ' waiting quality by academicians , they find that it is more important for customers at the aspect of perceived waiting quality , and the whole service quality evaluation is determined by such feeling .

  6. 启动服务并等待它初始化。

    Start the service and wait a few moments while it initializes .

  7. 普遍服务:等待突破

    Universal Services : Looking Forward to Breakthroughs

  8. 据报道,一些父母表示,这种反欺凌服务比等待学校解决欺凌事件更好。

    Parents reportedly argue that such anti-bullying services are better than waiting for schools to resolve bullying incidents .

  9. 你要让接待生会议前在服务台等待我们的客户吗?

    Do you want to ask the receptionist to wait for our customers at the receptionist counter before the meeting ?

  10. 异步完成令牌支持线程池,它允许服务在等待异步响应时释放线程,并将其放回到池中。

    Asynchronous completion token supported thread pooling by allowing services to release threads back into the pool while awaiting asynchronous responses .

  11. 采取门诊分流病人的办法,缩短服务的等待时间。

    And the measures of dividing patients into different flow in the outpatient service should be carried out to improve the waiting time .

  12. 此前,河内已暂停了餐厅、咖啡厅、美发店和其他公共场所的店内服务,等待进一步通知。

    Earlier , Hanoi already suspended the in-store services at restaurants , cafes , hair salons and other public venues until further notice .

  13. 在这种情况下,简单调用服务并等待&特别是如果服务要运行好几秒,不是一个最佳实践。

    In situations such as these , it 's not a good practice to simply call the service and wait & especially if the service could process for more than a few seconds .

  14. 服务端有一个进程(或多个进程)在指定的端口等待客户来连接,服务程序等待客户的连接信息,一旦连接上之后,就可以按设计的数据交换方法和格式进行数据传输。

    The server system wait the client 's connection with a process . As soon as the connection is built , the data transfer is in progress by the way of design . Fax is one way of communication .

  15. 该模式与前面模式的区别是,它在发送Web服务回复之前等待响应队列上的响应消息。

    The difference is that this pattern waits for a response message on a response queue before sending the Web service reply .

  16. 与one-way模式不同,这个模式在回复Web服务请求之前等待WebSphereMQ响应消息。

    Unlike the one-way pattern , this pattern waits for a WebSphere MQ response message before replying to the Web service request .

  17. 于是您可以使用该函数直接调用XML服务,并且等待响应,或者您也可以传送一个函数,使用XML响应消息调用该函数。

    So either you can use this to invoke the XML service directly and wait for the response , or you can pass in a function which will be invoked with the response XML .

  18. 分析了基于超市模型的分布式并行网络实验系统实例,采用Poisson流仿真算法,对系统性能进行了评估计算。从服务成本和等待成本两个方面,得出了系统配置优化策略。

    The distributed parallel Network Experiment System instance based on the supermarket mode has been analyzed . The research adopts Poisson Flow simulation algorithm to evaluate the system performance , and achieve optimization strategy for the system configuration through calculating the service cost and waiting cost .

  19. 我们已准备好为您服务也正等待您的订单。

    We are ready to be at your service and await your order .

  20. 一类轮询服务系统平均等待时间的算法

    An algorithm of mean queueing time on each terminal and class for some polling network

  21. 在同步调用中,客户机将消息发送给服务,并等待响应。

    In synchronous invoke , the client sends a message to the service and waits for the response .

  22. 研究附有选择性服务与无等待能力的M/G/1排队系统。

    Asymptotic behavior of an M / G / 1 queueing system with additional optional service and no waiting capacity is studied .

  23. 如果您的电话服务包含呼叫等待,并知道关闭该服务的号码,请将其输入此处。

    If your phone service includes call waiting , and you know the number to turn it off , type it here .

  24. 等待数量和总等待时间:调用某方法或服务时,等待线程的实例数量和总占用时间。

    Number of waits and total wait time : The number of instances and total elapsed time when the thread was waiting while invoking a method or service .

  25. 类似于银行的多个出纳员服务一条等待的客户队伍,当开发人员完成一个任务准备进入下一个任务的时候他们的效率会有所改进。

    Similar to multiple bank tellers servicing a single line of waiting customers , efficiency improves when developers instead sign up for the next task when they 've completed the last task .

  26. 利用排队论来分析银行服务系统的等待问题,并从运筹学和经济学的角度来优化系统,使其效益达到最高。

    Based on Queue theory to analyze the waiting problem of the bank queue system , and optimize the system from Operating and Economics , to make the efficiency get to maxima .

  27. 优化的目标之一是使系统单位时间的平均总费用即服务费用和等待费用两者之和为最小,并确定达到最优目标值的服务水平。

    One of the goals is to make the average total cost of the system in unit time that is the total cost of services and waiting to a minimum , and to determine the level of service .

  28. 外部客户端将SOAP请求消息发送到Web服务后,并不等待任何响应。

    Once the client sends the SOAP request message to the web service , it does not wait for any response .

  29. 一些分析师相信,作为全球最大的手机市场,中国迟迟不愿推出3G服务,就是要等待TD-SCDMA具备营运可行性。

    Some analysts believe China , the world 's largest mobile phone market , has been delaying the introduction of 3G services to allow TD-SCDMA to become operationally viable .

  30. 当SCM启动某个服务时,它等待某个进程的主线程来调用StartServiceCtrlDispatcher函数。

    When the SCM starts a service , it waits for the main thread of a process to call the StartServiceCtrlDispatcher function .