
  • 网络service etiquette
  1. 图书馆读者服务礼仪

    Library Service Etiquette to Readers

  2. 服务规范具体包括服务环境、服务礼仪、服务行为、服务技能、服务纪律、服务投诉等内容。

    Service environment , service etiquette , service behavior , service skills , service discipline , service complaint are the components of service standard .

  3. 目的规范化服务礼仪,做好护理服务。

    Objective To standardize etiquette performances in order to imporove nursing service .

  4. 零度干扰理论是服务礼仪中的一种重要理论。

    The theory of zero-interference is a very important theory of service protocol .

  5. 应当强化对学生践行酒店服务礼仪的指导

    Intensifying Instructing of Service Convenances to Students

  6. 图书馆服务礼仪研究

    Research on etiquette service in libraries

  7. 而践行服务礼仪,则是酒店优质服务的重要组成部分,是称职员工必备的行为规范和素质条件。

    While practicing service convenances is an important part for good quality service , and an essential code of conduct and quality for hotel employees .

  8. 方法结合护理实际情况,通过理论讲座、礼仪训练对护理人员培训,规范服务礼仪。

    Methods According to actual situation , through seminar , etiquette training , special examination , all our nurses grasped main criterions of etiquette performances in work .

  9. 另一个广为转发的故事则是关于一名会计专业的学生:为了成为一名空少,这位21岁男孩儿用了一整年时间学习服务礼仪、紧急医疗救援以及民航法。

    Another widely reposted story is about an accounting student who is determined to become a flight attendant . The 21-year-old man has spent a whole year learning etiquette , emergency medical aid and the Civil Aviation Act to achieve his goal .

  10. 文章从图书馆服务礼仪的内涵、主客体构成、内容和形式的相互关系及其在图书馆工作中的地位和作用四个方面对图书馆服务礼仪作了理论上的研究、探讨。

    The article makes a theoretical study of the etiquette service in libraries from the following four connotation aspects : the connotation , the relationships between the subject and object , between the contents and forms , and the position and functions of libraries .

  11. 提供郑州本地市场最优的各项礼仪服务,如礼仪、队、炮等。

    Provide the best amenity services in local market of Zhengzhou .

  12. 服务质量是礼仪公司经营的生命线。

    Service quality is the lifeline of business etiquette .

  13. 礼仪文化产业包括礼仪服务业和礼仪用品制造业,其中礼仪服务业包括礼仪培训业、庆典礼仪业、礼仪用品销售业及礼仪中介业等。

    Etiquette culture industry including etiquette service and manufacture industry . Etiquette supplies services and manufacturing industries , service industries , including one of etiquette training business etiquette , wedding etiquette business etiquette and ritual supplies sales intermediary industry and so on .

  14. 因此,服务质量管理成为礼仪业经营管理的关键因素和重要内容。

    Therefore , service quality management to become etiquette business management , key factors and important content .

  15. 心理服务的内容包括微笑服务、礼仪服务、善解人意的服务、针对性服务及承认顾客总是对的等。

    Psychological service includes smiling service , ceremony service , understanding the customers , countering service and the belief that the customers are never mistaken .