
  • 网络Service efficiency;Speed of service
  1. 在新公共管理理论的影响下,NGO组织开始注重服务效率。

    Under the influence of the New Public Management , NGO organizations began to focus on service efficiency .

  2. 该文利用单元成本、生产率和数据包络分析(DEA)等方法全面地测量了山东省淄博市与江苏省南通市1990~1999年县及县以上医院的医疗服务效率。

    This article measures and analyzes the variation of hospital service efficiency of county and municipal hospitals in Zibo and Nantong 1990 ~ 1999 using Ratio , Data Envelopment Analysis ( DEA ) .

  3. 测试结果显示,基于线程池技术DHCP服务器的服务效率有了明显改善。

    Results of the test show great improvement on DHCP efficiency .

  4. Flow-Shop网络中最大服务效率的作业顺序

    Jobs Scheduling Method of the Maximal Operation Efficiency in the Flow-Shop System

  5. 因此,采用数据挖掘技术从WWW上提取出有价值的知识,提高WWW的服务效率,是具有十分重要的现实意义和广泛的应用前景。

    So obtaining valuable information form WWW by data mining technology , improving serving efficiency of WWW has tremendous application values .

  6. 利用CTI技术进行通信增值功能的开发,提高信息服务效率,丰富信息服务内容,具有重要的应用价值。

    We exploit the communication increment function with CTI technology in order to improve the service efficiency , and to enrich the information service , which is much important in application .

  7. 结果表明,使用该软件和GT3比单纯使用GT3开发网格服务效率高很多,展现了该软件的优点。

    Experiment result showed that GBuilder had higher efficiency than only by using GT3 for grid service , so Gbuilder had more advantages .

  8. 快速公交(BRT)理念的产生为问题的解决提供了新契机,它通过对传统公共汽车在规划、设计、运营和管理上的改良,从而以较少的投资、较高的灵活性实现较高的服务效率。

    Bus rapid transit ( BRT ) achieves higher performance with less invest and more flexible by modifying the traditional bus in planning , designing , operation and management , and provides a new chance to solve the problems .

  9. 在调查过程中,应用访谈和问卷的方法进行调查,然后采用统计软件SPSS中的因子分析的方法对数据进行处理,最后将多种风险因素归为六大因素:第三方的服务效率风险;

    In the investigation process , conversation and questionnaire are used , then the factor analysis method in SPSS software are applied to deal with the data , finally I converged the many kinds of risk factors into six main factors : Third party service efficiency risk ;

  10. 方法用普查和抽样调查的方法对县、乡、村各级医疗机构基本情况进行调查,利用相关与回归分析探讨医疗机构服务效率及其影响因素,利用Gini系数和Lorenz曲线分析卫生资源配置的公平性。

    Methods The fundamental state of medical institutions at different levels was investigated by general investigation and sampling survey . The efficiency of medical institution was analyzed via correlated analysis and stepwise multiple regression , and the equity of health resource allocation was analyzed through Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient .

  11. 医院医疗服务效率测量方法应用评价

    Evaluation and application on methods of measuring hospital service efficiency

  12. 餐馆和咖啡馆的服务效率高且友好。

    Restaurants and coffee shops serve customers efficiently and friendly .

  13. 青海省畜牧推广体系现状、服务效率及相关制约因素研究

    Study on Animal Husbandry Extension Service Systems in Qing-hai Province

  14. 辽宁省乡镇卫生院医疗服务效率评价

    Medical Service Efficiency Evaluation of the Township Health Centers in Liaoning Province

  15. 这个邮政所服务效率太低,使我很反感。

    The inefficiency of the post office bothers me .

  16. 数字图书馆信息服务效率研究

    Study on the Efficiency of Digital Library Information Services

  17. 利率市场化改革的目的是为了促进经济发展、提高金融服务效率、优化资源配置,引导整个金融部门乃至全社会经济达到均衡。

    The purpose of deregulation interest rates is boost the economy and finance .

  18. 加强电子文献资源收集提高图书馆服务效率

    Strengthening the Collection of Electrical Literature Resources and Increasing the Efficiency of Library Services

  19. 虚拟参考咨询服务效率分析

    An Analysis of Benefits of Virtual Reference Services

  20. 铅在铅酸电池中的资源服务效率

    Resource-Service Efficiency of Lead in Lead-Acid Battery

  21. 合理利用现有眼科资源,提高眼科服务效率。

    To utilize the ophthalmic resources reasonably , elevate the efficacy of ophthalmic service . 4 .

  22. 邮政服务效率很高。

    The postal service is efficient .

  23. 但是,如何进一步拓展发展空间,强化服务效率已十分紧迫。

    But how to further expand the development space and strengthen service efficiency is very urgent .

  24. 业绩和服务效率。

    Performance and service efficiency .

  25. 信息服务效率及计算

    Calculating for Information Service Efficiency

  26. 进行应急物流系统优化,可以有效降低物流成本,提高物流服务效率。

    Emergency logistics optimization systems can effectively reduce logistics costs and improve the efficiency of logistics services .

  27. 采用这种模式,不但可以节省终端资源,还可以进步服务效率。

    Using this model , the terminal can not only save resources , you can progress service efficiency .

  28. 眼科医疗服务效率逐年提高,但地区、机构间存在差异。

    The efficacy of ophthalmic medical service is elevated , different between the town and countryside . 4 .

  29. 网点服务效率和管理水平的高低在一定范围内影响着支行的整体经营绩效。

    Network service efficiency and management level within the scope of certain and affect the whole branch business performance .

  30. 通过消除诸如信息缺乏等需方壁垒,这些以受益人为本的项目可以提高基本服务效率。

    By addressing demand-side barriers such as lack of information , these beneficiary-centered programs can improve the efficiency of basic services .