- office for courtiers

[waiting room for officials] 古代官吏上朝前休息的房子
驾而宿于朝房,旬乃还第。--明. 崔铣《记王忠肃公翱三事》
He picked up his towel and ran cheerfully for the door .
She pulled her chemise up on her shoulders , made a low bow to Marius , then a familiar sign with her hand , and went towards the door , saying
' Stay another moment , 'interposed Rose , as the girl moved hurriedly towards the door . 'Think once again on your own condition , and the opportunity you have of escaping from it .
Hearing this , the shoemaker ran out of doors in his shirtsleeves , and looked up at his roof , and had to hold his hand in front of his eyes to keep the sun from blinding him .