
  1. 生活中成功的人会想象他们的未来生活,并为此设定许多目标。

    Successful people in life imagine how their life should be and set lots of goals .

  2. 《星际迷航》对未来生活的设想是非常有趣的。

    And Star Trek 's idea of life in the future is a lot of fun .

  3. 此刻他们一定是互相依偎着躺在地下的,看着这张洋溢着年轻人青春活力的照片,我百感交集,他们热情的笑容里面,充满了幸福与对未来生活的展望。

    They had been laid in each other 's arms inside the tomb . I can 't relate all the feelings I had while looking at that picture of them together , bursting with youthful energy , their eager smiles full of excitement and anticipation12 of their lives together .

  4. 3G对相关行业的发展以及人类未来生活的影响等问题,是时下很多行业关注的焦点问题之一。

    3G questions and so on influence which future lives to the correlation profession development as well as the humanity , is at present the focal question .

  5. PISA评价的目的是了解并比较各国15岁学生为未来生活所做的准备情况。

    PISA aims to assess and compare the situation that 15-year-old students prepare for the future life .

  6. RFID技术在零售、物流、制造业、交通及军事等诸多领域有着广泛的应用前景,深刻的影响人类的未来生活。

    The RFID technology in retail , logistics , manufacturing , transportation and military fields have a wide range of applications , profound impact on the future of human life .

  7. 运用多种设计手法,创造不同的风格,使SOHO空间呈现丰富的个性特征:4、预见并考虑满足SOHO族未来生活、工作的变化需求,留行空间可持续发展的余地。

    Designing multiple styles to satisfy SOHO worker ; 4 foreseeing and considering to give room for the changes of requirements of SOHO worker in the future .

  8. 你的梦想是你未来生活创造性的愿景。

    Your dream is your creative vision for your future life .

  9. 昨天他买了一本关于未来生活的书。

    He bought a book about living in the future yesterday .

  10. 信息高速公路给人类社舍带来了新的挑战和机遇,以计算机技术为代表的信息技术在人们的未来生活中扮演着十分重要的角色。

    Information highway has brought human society new challenge and opportunity .

  11. 成为学生未来生活的设计者,谈谈一些粗浅的看法。

    To be the designer of the students ' future life .

  12. 一道希望的曙光照亮了我那无法预知的未来生活。

    A ray of hope shone through the hazy future .

  13. 她的未来生活不会是整天玩乐。

    Her future life was not to be a round of pleasure .

  14. 一年前就把你界定为自己未来生活的一部分。

    Defined you as part of my future life a year ago .

  15. 学校、课堂是学生未来生活、工作的训练场、练功房。

    School and classrooms are the future training rooms of the students .

  16. 有些时候,我会梦到未来生活。

    Sometimes I dream about life in the future .

  17. 美国研究表明,童年时期过度看电视,对对未来生活带来很多负面影响。

    Too much TV in childhood might have negative ramifications later in life .

  18. 该书展示了未来生活可能的样子。

    This book shows what that might look like .

  19. 每个人都应关心信息技术对未来生活的影响。

    Everyone should be concerned about the impact of information technology on future life .

  20. 早期教育不是为上学作准备,而是为未来生活作准备。

    Earlier period education is not ready for school life but for future life .

  21. 成都市居民未来生活用水量预测模型的选择

    Selection of Forecast Model for Water Consumption of Chengdu 's Residents in the Future

  22. 他们可以积累更多未来生活和工作非常宝贵的经验。

    They can gather more valuable social experience for their future life and career .

  23. 最近,我们调查了关于学生们对未来生活的畅想。

    Recently , we conducted a survey on what students think of the future .

  24. 这必须成为我未来生活的目标。

    This will be the standard by which I will live in the future .

  25. 它将对我们未来生活的主要事件产生深远影响。

    It will have deep influence on the principal future events of our life .

  26. 成千上万的人竞相来到他的实验室想亲眼目睹未来生活的模样

    Thousands of people flock to his lab to see the future take shape .

  27. 你理想中的未来生活是什么样?

    What is your ideal future life ?

  28. 很多评论认为,中产阶级的未来生活也将面临危机。

    Many believe that the future livelihood of the middle class is also at risk .

  29. 未来生活:威廉夫妇希望他们的孩子能普通平凡而脚踏实地地长大成人。

    Life : The couple hopes to give their baby a normal , down-to-earth upbringing .

  30. 提供真知灼见(“我们来谈谈,未来生活将是什么样子?”)。

    They give insight ( " Here 's what life will be like " ) .