
  • 网络Future Police;Future X-Cops;Cops;Mei loi ging chaat;The Futute X-Cops
  1. 未来警察勤务改革趋势

    The reforming Trend of Police Service in the Future

  2. 警察学校是培养未来警察和在职警察培训的重要基地,因此,如何对警察学校的学生进行心理健康教育就显得尤其重要。

    A police school is an important base for training wound-be policemen and policemen 's continuous education . Therefore , how to give students of a police school psychology education become of great importance .

  3. 要提高未来警察素质,一方面必须建立科学的学生素质评价指标体系,即把评价目标转化为具体的可测性、行为化和操作化的指标体系;

    In order to improve probationary police quality , we should establish scientific evaluation index system , that is to transform the evaluation object to a concrete index system that can easily be measured and operated ;

  4. 警察院校体育课程质量的好坏直接关系到未来人民警察素质状况。

    The quality of the physical education course in police college has direct relation with quality of the future people 's police .

  5. 你未来是否还能当警察吗?

    To be decided by what you 've written here ?