
  • 网络eschatology;eschatological;apocalypticism
  1. 解放的末世论&布洛赫乌托邦哲学的宗教哲学视角

    Emancipatory Eschatology & Religious Philosophy Perspective of Bloch Utopian Philosophy

  2. 末世论是关于最终极和“末后”的事。

    Eschatology is about ultimate things as well as " last " things .

  3. 实际上这篇文献没有末世论。

    In fact , this text is not at all eschatological .

  4. 希望的末世论&现代基督教末世论述评

    The Eschatology of Hope ── The Remark on the Eschatology of Modern Christianity

  5. 基督教的末世论转向与其道德责任观

    Christian Eschatology Turn And Its Responsible For Moral Idea

  6. 强调末世论已经实现,因为处境不同。

    And emphasized current enjoyment of these things because of the different situation .

  7. 但在墨西哥湾海岸的舆论正变得越来越激烈和末世论。

    But the consensus around the Gulf Coast is turning more apoplectic and apocalyptic .

  8. 恩格斯末世论探析&《自然辩证法》中的终极关怀

    Engels ' Theory on Latter-Day & Ultimate Concern of Humanity in Dialectics of Nature

  9. 第一,我说过《歌罗西书》和《以弗所书》都持实现的末世论;,保罗持未实现的末世论。

    Number one ,; I said Colossians and Ephesians both have realized eschatology ; Paul has reserved eschatology .

  10. 20世纪开始时,神学家们主要关心的问题是末世论。

    At the beginning of 20th century , the issue that the theologians were concerned about primarily was eschatology .

  11. 只是由于现代政治神学的出现,末世论才具有历史的、集体的、真正面向未来的定向。

    Just because of the appearance of modern political theology , eschatology has historical , collective , and future dimension .

  12. 同神学其它分支一样,末世论是按照私人的、个体的、存在主义的方式加以解释的。

    As other branches of theology , eschatology was explained according to the private , individual , and existential method .

  13. 充斥在当代文化精神世界的种种末世论论调,不过是思想流亡时代史诗般的传说而已。

    The eschatological theme congested in the modern intellectual world is not but a legendry in the age of ideological exile .

  14. 末世论信仰与弥赛亚盼望紧密相联,而基督的受难使时间得以完满。

    The eschatology belief and Messiah hope unites closely . But the suffering distress of Christ enables time to be perfect .

  15. 对于“解体”的担心,官方人员总是对国外末世论者的过度担心嗤之以鼻。

    As for the fear of " disintegration , " officials are used to pooh-poohing the overheated fears of foreign doom-mongers .

  16. 这与他们在救赎论上是不是加尔文主义无关,而是跟他们的末世论有关。

    This was not an issue as to whether they were Calvinistic in their soteriology , but an issue over their eschatology .

  17. 原罪说、救赎说以及末世论,以罪为核心揭示了基督教教义中有关人的历史生成的理论,其中包含着堕落下降式辩证法;

    The doctrine of " Shi " reveals the theory of man 's historical development and contains a " falling " dialectic .

  18. 第二个原因是来自基督教会对末世论的强烈着迷,对世界末日的研究。

    A second reason for this obsession relates to the Church 's fascination with eschatology , the study of the End of Times .

  19. 末世论本身所具有的摧毁与催生的二元悖反律又赋予了劳伦斯思想巨大的危机意识和拯救理念。

    The antinomy of the eschatological thought itself in destruction and production attributes active consciousness of redemption and social crisis to his thought .

  20. 早期的赞美诗《迦特》,很多都是由琐罗亚斯德所写,弥漫着末世论的思想。

    The Gathas , the early hymns , many of which may have been written by Zoroaster , are permeated by eschatological thinking .

  21. 希望神学的突出标志是:它力图表明末世论的教义是基督教神学的核心。

    The eminent mark of the theology of hope is that it attempted to demonstrate the doctrine of eschatology is the core of Christian theology .

  22. 这不仅是最符合末世论发展史的名字,也是唯一应该用来指代末世论的名字。

    This is not only the best name in the long history of eschatology , it 's the only name that should ever be used .

  23. 这天晚上,米勒德到我家上门服务后,那些专业的末世论者(在其它地方又称气象学家)开始预测哪儿会有霜降了。

    The professional eschatologists ( known elsewhere as meteorologists ) were predicting scattered frosts for the night after Ms. Millard paid me a house call .

  24. 面对20世纪人类在发展过程中遇到的灾难,劳伦斯逐渐形成了自己独特的末世论思想。

    D · H · Lawrence gradually formulated his unique eschatological thought in confrontation with the human calamity in the process of development in the20th century .

  25. 从基督教末世论的历史概念到现代历史概念的转变过程,展现了历史时间的构成作用。

    It displays the construing function of historical time during the process of the transition from the concept of Christian eschatology to that of modern history .

  26. 基督教对人类的最终命运的描述就是末世论,而决定哪些人能够得到救赎则是早有预定的,于是也就有了末世的预定论。

    Christian description of the ultimate fate of mankind is the eschatological and who can be saved is already decided . Then it comes with Eschatology predestination .

  27. 保罗持的不是实现末世论,因为在被基督拯救时得到的,复活和所有好处还未实现。

    What Paul has is not realized eschatology because the resurrection and all the benefits that you get from being saved by Christ are still in the future .

  28. 因此在多马福音中有些语录,不像四福音书及正典里的语录,它们并不末世论,它们更多指向当下。

    There are several sayings in Thomas , unlike the sayings in the Gospels and the canon , that are not eschatological , they very much point to the present .

  29. 如果不能正确地理解他的客体化思想,将会无法真正理解他的自由思想、个性与世界和谐冲突的思想、末世论思想等其他一系列的重要思想,更不可能真正系统地把握别尔嘉耶夫的哲学。

    So , we cannot have a good understanding of his notion of " freedom " and the conflict between individuality and society , unless we grasp his idea of objectification .

  30. 但散布末世论的人也有话可说他们认为,贪婪和过剩的循环往复、以及灾难性的必然结果很快就会再度出现。

    But there is also fodder for the doom-mongers those who believe the cycle of greed and excess , and its natural conclusion in disaster , will return all too soon .