
  • 网络DOMESTICATION;indigenization
  1. 另外一些国家必须继续推进结构改革,以促进经济增长和供养本国日益老龄化的人口。

    Others must keep up the pace of structural reforms to boost growth and provide for ageing populations .

  2. 然而,要想像中国那样取得持续成功,印度就需要认真审视一下,与中国相比,本国的城市化进程为何遭遇惨败。

    Yet , if India is to achieve the same sustained success as China , it needs to take a hard look at why its urbanisation process has failed so miserably in comparison .

  3. 详细阐述了会计准则国际化的经济后果主要表现为会计准则国际化的收益和成本,指出争夺国际会计准则制定权是实现本国利益最大化的途径。

    The major economic consequences of internationalized accounting standards are characterized by internationalized income and cost . Competing for the right to formulate international accounting standards is an approach to maximize the interest of its own country .

  4. 文章在论述过程中先后运用了理论引证、数学模型分析、国际案例比较借鉴、本国利率市场化历程实证分析等研究方法。

    In this paper I employ theoretical reasoning , mathematical modeling , comparative studies of international cases , the single case study of our country 's experience , and other research methods to comprehensively study marketization of interest rate and the creation of its conditions .

  5. 为此,各国都在不断提升大学水平,尤其是促进本国大学世界一流化的转变。

    So , States are constantly upgrading the level of the university , particularly , taking steps to promote the transformation of the world-class University .

  6. 当前世界各国正纷纷促进本国教师教育专业化程度的提高,我国目前也正处在教师教育体系的改革过程中。

    Currently , the teacher 's specialization has been increased in the countries around the world . Our country is in the course of educational reform of the teacher .

  7. 研究首先遵循规范分析方法,在收集与分析大量国内外文献的基础上,进一步界定问题,提出政府以本国国民福利最大化为目标的假说。

    In the dissertation , the normative analysis is followed at first , on the basis of the collection and analysis of large amount of literature , the problems are defined more clearly , and the hypothesis that the purposes of governments are to maximize the national well-being is proposed .