
  • 网络cluster system;cluster of workstations;nows;cow
  1. 机群系统中基于MPI的多维稀疏数组传递方法

    Methods Based on MPI to Pass Multidimensional Sparse Array in Cluster

  2. RS/6000机群系统中分子动力学并行算法的研究

    Parallel molecular dynamics research in the cluster of rs / 6000

  3. 基于机群系统的C++语言并行化实现

    The implementation of parallel c + + languages for workstation clusters

  4. 基于机群系统的N体问题调度算法

    An N-body problem scheduling algorithm based on workstation clusters

  5. 作为机群系统快速通信的标准,VIA已经在业界获得了广泛地支持。

    As a fast communication standard of cluster systems , VIA has obtained widely supports in industry .

  6. 因此,任何机群系统管理软件体系结构的可管理性可以通过考察其满足CAR性质的程度来判断。

    The manageability of a cluster system management software architecture can be judged by the degree of CAR . 2 .

  7. 可支持多个版本的Linux操作系统的机群系统。

    At present it supports various Linux version .

  8. PC机群系统的关键技术

    Key Technology of PC Cluster System

  9. 本文分析了并行计算技术的现状与发展趋势,并分析了机群系统在并行计算中的应用,以及移动Agent的技术特性。

    It first analyzes the current situation and development trend of parallel computing technology as well as technical features of Agent .

  10. GPRS网络在智能化工程机械机群系统中的应用

    Application in the Intelligent Engineering Machine-group System of GPRS Network

  11. 在PC机群系统上实现了上述并行算法,并且对并行算法的性能进行了测试。

    These parallel algorithms are implemented based on PC cluster system , and their parallel performance is also evaluated .

  12. 虚拟接口结构(Virtualinterfacearchitecture,VIA)是一种先进的用户层通信技术,它能够为机群系统提供高效可靠的通信性能。

    Virtual interface architecture ( VIA ) is an outstanding user level communication technology which provides the cluster system with efficient and secure communication ability .

  13. 大规模机群系统中基于LDAP的用户管理

    Research of User Management with LDAP in Supercluster System

  14. 使用ACUTE,论文还研究了一个高可用机群系统的实例,该系统由16个节点组成,运行计算型任务和Oracle数据库服务两种应用的多个实例。

    The system is composed of sixteen nodes , and running several instances of a computing task and Oracle database service .

  15. 并行虚拟机(ParallelVirtualMachine,简称PVM)是并行工作站机群系统中流行的并行软件环境之一。

    PVM ( Parallel Virtual Machine ) software is one of the most popular software environments used on parallel workstation cluster system .

  16. POE机群系统通信机制的性能分析

    Performance analysis of the communication mechanism for POE workstation cluster

  17. 机群系统中矩阵的并行QR分解算法

    The Parallel Algorithm of QR Decomposition of Matrix in Cluster System

  18. 机群系统基于预测的软件Rejuvenation策略研究

    Analysis of Prediction-based Software Rejuvenation in Cluster Systems

  19. 基于CIM的机群系统资源信息模型

    Cluster Resource Information Model Based on CIM

  20. 对SNOW机群系统的分布式共享存储管理机制进行适当的简化,就可实现网络虚拟存储环境。

    A method of implementing a NVM system by simplifying the distributed shared memory management , which is used in our SNOW clustering system , is introduced .

  21. 基于机群系统的PVM并行编程技术研究

    The Parallel Programming Technology of PVM on Cluster

  22. 然后介绍了PC机群系统和MPI(messagepassinginterface)消息传递机制。在此基础上,介绍了建立基于WindowsXP和MPI的PC机群实验环境。

    Them the MPI ( Message Passing Interface ) for PC is introduced , and an experimental setup based on Windows XP and PC cluster is built .

  23. 基于DAG图解-重构的机群系统静态调度算法

    A Static Scheduling Algorithm on DAG Partition-Reconfiguration in the Network of Workstations

  24. 算法只需相对较少的通信时间;适合大规模并行机(MPP)和工作站或微机机群系统;

    The algorithms need relatively small amount of communication time and are suitable for MPP or workstation clusters .

  25. 第3章,介绍了MPI系统,并且详细的给出了在实际计算中所使用的MPI机群系统的配置。

    Chapter 3 introduces the MPI system ; a detail configuration of MPI cluster system that this thesis has used is given .

  26. 本文在由以太网交换机分层级联而成的机群系统上,提出了高性能的全交换算法DCE和算法MCCE。

    The paper proposes two new algorithms for complete exchange on clusters connected by Ethernet switched hierarchical network .

  27. 此外,本文还选用通过商用网络连接起来的PC机,以及并行虚拟机PVM和分布式操作系统LINUX,共同构成了一个机群系统作为并行计算平台。

    Moreover , this paper constructs a parallel compute platform to apply the new algorithm by using PC group and PVM virtual system and LINUX OS .

  28. 国产万亿次机群系统NPB性能测试分析

    Performance Analysis of NPB Benchmark on Domestic Tera-Scale Cluster Systems

  29. 机群系统LogP通信模型的测试与分析

    Testing and Analyzing the Performance of Cluster Under LogP Model

  30. 基于Linux操作系统,以千兆光互连接口卡为网络接口,设计实现了一种可用于机群系统的双环光互连网络。

    A Linux-based twin-ring optical interconnection network is introduced , which can be used in computer cluster , including the design of optical interconnection interface card , the device driver , and the architecture .