
  • 网络Killing Field
杀场 [shā chǎng]
  • (1) [execution ground] 〈方〉∶处决犯人的场所

  • (2) [battle field]∶战场

  1. 战争年代是残酷的,残酷的是硝烟弥漫的战场,无处闪躲的子弹,无能为力的看着自己的兄弟战死杀场。

    During the war years is cruel , cruel is the smoky battlefield , nowhere to dodge the bullets , incapable of seeing their brothers died killing field .

  2. 美国德克萨斯州郊外有块地方被称为“杀场”,在这里真实的杀戮不断上演着。

    Just outside the state of Texas is a place known as the Killing Fields , where actual killings take place .

  3. 阿金博士相信,让机器人赴死杀场另有缘由,即它们的行为具有比军人更人性化的潜能。

    Dr Arkin believes that there is another reason for putting robots into battle , which is that they have the potential to act more humanely than people .

  4. 美国曾错误地认为中国不会大规模干涉,因为中国缺乏精密武器,不可避免会有大量士兵战死杀场。

    The US forces had wrongly assumed that a lack of sophisticated firepower and in turn an inevitable mass loss of Chinese soldiers lives would deter the PRC from large-scale involvement .