
shā shēng
  • kill livestock, fowls, etc;destruction of life;kill livestock;kill living beings
杀生 [shā shēng]
  • [kill livestock;kill living beings] 指宰杀牲畜、家禽等生物。佛家指杀害一切生灵,并以为十恶之一。佛门十戒中第一是不得杀生

  • 不杀生

杀生[shā shēng]
  1. 诸比丘!远离杀生,远离不与取,于爱欲远离邪行。

    Abstaining from killing , from taking what is not given , & from illicIt'sex .

  2. 上人:不堕胎、不杀生

    The Venerable Master : By not having abortions , by not killing living beings .

  3. Cl2、ClO2用作冷却水系统杀生剂的比较

    Comparison of Cl_2 and ClO_2 as Biocides in Cooling Water system

  4. 杀生剂a、b和c对不锈钢有腐蚀促进作用,腐蚀促进作用依次为杀生剂c>杀生剂b>杀生剂a,杀生剂d有缓蚀作用。抗菌剂提高水基金属加工液寿命的研究

    It was shown that biocide s a , b and c promoted the corrosion of stainless steel while biocide d inhibited its corrosion . The Study on Effect of Biocide for improving the Life of Water-based Metalworking Fluid

  5. 绿色杀生剂EGD控制贻贝污损的试验研究

    Research on the Green Biocide EGD 's Control of Mussel Pollution

  6. 论述了新型杀菌灭藻剂SNA的杀生性能、配伍性、pH值和温度影响、腐蚀速率、毒性以及在工厂生产应用等试验的情况和结果。

    Expounding the new agent SNA 's biocidal property , compatibility , rate of corrosion , toxicity , and the influence of pH and temperature on it .

  7. EGD杀生剂可有效地抑制贻贝足丝的发育,从而达到防止贻贝生物污损的目的;

    Thus , the EGD can effectively restrain the development of mussels thereby prevent the biofouling .

  8. 作者对THPS进行了综述,重点介绍了其应用领域及其在水处理中良好的杀生效果,并对其应用前景进行了展望。

    THPS is summarized and its application fields and its excellent bactericidal effect are emphasized .

  9. 杀生剂SJ-951的研制生物战剂的类型与检测

    The Preparation of Bactericide SJ-951 Types and testing of biological war agents

  10. KF-505杀生剂杀生性能研究与应用

    Study and application of algaecide assessment of the algaecide of KF-505

  11. 中央的这一经验,同情和真理(杀生和Satya),前两个雅马斯的瑜伽。

    Central to this experience are compassion and truth ( ahimsa and satya ), the first two Yamas of Yoga .

  12. 新型杀生剂DDSC的合成研究

    Study on the synthesis of new fungicide DDSC

  13. 杀生剂SJ-951的研制

    The Preparation of Bactericide SJ-951

  14. 以我国海洋生物污损优势物种紫贻贝为研究对象,模拟直流式海水冷却系统及加药方式,对新一代绿色杀生剂EGD控制贻贝生物污损的性能进行了评价和应用研究。

    The function and efficiency of the new generation of green biocide & EGD in the control of biofouling caused by mussels was tested , while the simulated direct-current seawater cooling system and drug-adding mode were employed .

  15. 人杀生不仅是为了吃,他杀生取乐。

    Man kills not only to eat , he enjoys killing .

  16. 我吃蔬菜,因为我从良心上对杀生感到厌恶。

    I eat vegetables because my conscience revolts against killing animals .

  17. 他认为为食物而杀生是不道德的。

    He believes it 's immoral to kill animals for food .

  18. 余先生乐于行善,从不杀生。

    Mr. Yu enjoyed doing good deeds and never killed anything .

  19. 她从为杀生取乐是一种残忍的行为。

    She found the idea of killing animals for pleasure barbaric .

  20. 他说,我的原则是不杀生。

    ' I have a no-kill policy , ' he says .

  21. 循环水处理杀生剂的种类及其发展

    The Classification and Development of Bactericides for Industry Circulating Cooling Water Treatment

  22. 或者因为他们认为我们不应该杀生取食。

    Or because they think we should not kill animals for food .

  23. 他从来就不忍杀生。

    He could never bring himself to kill an animal or bird .

  24. 勿杀生金蛋的鹅;勿杀鸡取卵。

    Kill not the goose that lays the golden eggs .

  25. 因此,杀生的人,就是杀他的兄弟。

    Therefore , he who kills , kills his brother .

  26. 不要杀生,这样你就不会被杀死。

    Kill nothing , that you may not be killed .

  27. 循环冷却水系统杀生剂的现状与发展

    Current situation and development of biocide to cycle-cooling water system

  28. 生物杀生剂灭杀四龄红虫的试验研究

    Experimental Study on the Killing of Chironomid Larvae by Bio-insecticide

  29. 新型高效非氧化性杀生剂的试验和应用

    Experimentation and application of new highly effective and non-oxidative bactericide

  30. 她突然起了杀生之念。

    The lust to kill had suddenly descended on her .