
  • 网络contingent valuation method
  1. 对当前资源经济学、生态经济学和环境经济学研究的前沿领域环境价值评估方法之一权变评价法(CVM法)进行了探讨。

    This paper discusses that one of appraising methods of non-using value in ecological tourism districts & Contingent Valuation Method ( CVM ) which is one of the advanced fields in studying resource economics , environmental economics , and ecological economics .

  2. 本文对包括权变评价法在内的评价法在旅游地环境价值评价中的发展和应用做了分析研究,并通过运用于成都塔子山公园案例的分析,对旅游环境价值评价法作了有益的探索。

    And then the method of CVM has been applied to the valuation of environmental goods such as tourism resorts .