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  • Li Bin
李冰 [lǐ bīng]
  • [Li Bin] 中国战国时水利家。他总结劳动人民的治水经验,征发民工在岷江流域兴办了许多水利工程,其中以都江堰最为著名,二千二百多年以来一直为川西平原提供了巨大的水利效益

  1. 摘要在秦蜀守李冰成功开凿广都盐井的基础上,临邛、蒲江井盐在西汉中叶得到大规模开发。

    On the base of Shu governor Li Bin successfully digging Guangdu salt well , well salt in Linqiong and Pujiang was exploited in large scale in the Western Han dynasty .

  2. 我听说你在和李冰交往。

    I heard you 're going5 out with Li Bing now .

  3. 公元前3世纪由李冰督建的都江堰水利枢纽是当时现代化的象征。

    The Dujiangyan Irrigation System , built in the3rd century BC under the inspection of Li Bing , was the symbol of modernization of that period .