首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 作一位领导,而不仅仅是经理。(责任编辑:李熙)

    Be a leader , not just a manager .

  2. “我知道我能。”积极的想法是成功的一半。(责任编辑:李熙)

    " I know I can " . Positive thinking is half the work .

  3. 他不愿意任何新思想,是个地道的“死脑筋”。(责任编辑:李熙)

    He is not willing to take in any new ideas . A ROM brain indeed .

  4. 他总是给你买很贵的衣服,我担心不安好心的礼物。(责任编辑:李熙)

    He is always buying you expensive clothes , I 'm afraid they are Greek gifts for you .

  5. 珍妮把她的黄金周豆腐帐给贴出来了,她买的那些东西你简直都想象不到。(责任编辑:李熙)

    Jenny posted her tofu ledger for the Labor Day holiday , you just cannot imagine what she has bought .

  6. 我讨厌把事情搅乱,但是你不认为我们应该找安迪帮忙吗?(责任编辑:李熙)

    I hate to throw a monkey wrench in the works , but don 't you think we should ask Andy to help .

  7. 在使用之前先把肥皂晾干?许多节俭的人发誓说这会使肥皂变硬且使用时间更长,而不会影响产生肥皂泡。(责任编辑:李熙)

    Air your bar of soap before using it ? Many frugalistas swear this will allow it to harden and last longer , without affecting the lather .

  8. 脑子里藏着秘密,我每天都在受煎熬。或许我应该去发个树洞帖,也好让松口气。(责任编辑:李熙)

    I am living in hell with this secret in my mind , maybe I should try to put it into a tree hole post and give myself a break .

  9. 公布诈骗数据的英国信用卡协会将犯罪率的增长归咎于犯罪分子对其目标精密复杂的作案手法,而不是银行自身的电脑系统。(责任编辑:李熙)

    The UK Card Association , which publishes the fraud figures today , blamed the rise on increasingly'sophisticated methods'used by criminals to target customers ' - rather than banks ' - computers .

  10. 他在1882年曾随清军前往朝鲜,协助国王李熙平定壬午兵变,并与该国士大夫结交。

    In 1882 , he had been to Korea with the Qing army , helping the Korean Emperor Li Xi to put down Muting in 1882 , which resulted in his association with Korean literati .