
  1. 李四:我只是实话实说罢了。

    Lisa : Well , I was just speaking the truth .

  2. 他见人就诉说自己的烦恼,不论张三、李四。

    He told his troubles to every Tom , Dick and Harry .

  3. 张三:李四,想请教您什么是“大三通”?

    Jackson : Lisa , may you enlighten me on The " three links "?

  4. 李四:你千里迢迢到这里,我当然得好好的招待你。

    Lisa : You are visiting from " a thousand miles away ", it is only right that I give you a warm reception .

  5. 如果有一天,张三自政府单位退休或因公司经营不善而倒闭;这时候,张三与李四之间交往的原因就消失了,友情当然也就不复存在。

    Hence , if someday Tom retires from government or his company goes bankrupt , their association cause will disappear and their friendship will be gone too .

  6. 艾芙与草丛中可爱的乌龟交上朋友,或者和黑猫或虎斑猫玩耍。张三说李四在期中考试中作弊,但李四回说〔他是〕龟笑鳖无尾。

    Eve made friends with her pet tortoise in the grass or romped with the black cat or with the tabby cat . Chang San said Li Szu had cheated at the mid-term examination , but Li Szu replied that the pot was calling the kettle black .

  7. 举例来说,张三由于受到李四的欺诈将自己的东西卖给李四,而李四又将该物出转卖给王五,此时王五对于张三来讲就是第三人。

    For example , Joe Smith of fraud due to John Doe to John Doe to sell their own things , but John Doe has the property sold to the king out of five , when the king is the third in terms of seating for five people .