
  • 网络Lever operation;Leverage Operation;de-leveraging
  1. 据一位德国高官称,德国政府希望首先确保可进行杠杆操作的4400亿欧元欧元区纾困基金正常运转,然后才考虑新的IMF资源。

    According to a senior German official , Berlin wants to ensure that a leveraged € 440bn eurozone rescue fund is up and running before considering new IMF resources .

  2. 如果你认为股价将被低估,你可以CFD多头开盘以进行杠杆操作,当股价上涨时从中获利(者有可能在该股价下跌时蒙受损失)。

    If you consider a stock to be undervalued , you can go long with a CFD on leverage and benefit from a rise in its share price ( or possibly lose if the underlying share price falls ) .

  3. 损失担保计划旨在用EFSF剩余的2500亿欧元进行杠杆操作,与该基金出面直接买进债券相比,担保价值高出4至5倍的债券。

    The loss guarantee programme aims to leverage the € 250bn remaining in the EFSF to cover more than 4 to 5 times the value of bonds than if the fund purchased the bonds outright .

  4. 也不是所有杠杆操作都是便宜的。

    Not all leverage is cheap , either .

  5. 深度嵌入国际供应链&加工制造型企业参与国际竞争的逆杠杆操作分析

    Embedding Deeply in International Supply Chain

  6. 但管理这些基金的是那些对杠杆操作略知一二的经理们。

    But those funds are managed by guys who know a thing or two about leverage .

  7. 另外,这个行业通过将计算机技术功能与杠杆操作联合起来,创造一系列革新。

    In addition , the industry has combined computing power and leverage to create a burst of innovation .

  8. 中国航天发射服务参与国际竞争的对策研究深度嵌入国际供应链&加工制造型企业参与国际竞争的逆杠杆操作分析

    Research on Countermeasure of Participation in International Competition of China Aerospace Launching Service Embedding Deeply in International Supply Chain

  9. 逆杠杆操作嵌入国际供应链&中国加工制造业企业走出去参与国际竞争

    Reverse Leverage for Embedding in the International Supply Chain & Analysis of Going Out Strategy for Chinese Manufacturing Enterprise in International Competition

  10. 巴克莱资本表示,该集团还对这些利润进行了杠杆操作,累计举债100亿美元,其中20亿美元将在2010年到期。

    The group also leveraged those profits , building up debts of $ 10bn amid upcoming maturities of $ 2bn in 2010 , according to Barclays Capital .

  11. 他表示,金融危机的一个副产品是:伪装成投资回报的杠杆操作,在以往是常态,但如今已不再可能。

    He says one byproduct of the financial crisis is that the use of leverage disguised as investment returns , which became the norm , is no longer possible .

  12. 即使高盛与摩根士丹利能使市场相信它们作为独立投行的前途,但投资者与监管者仍会坚持要求它们少用杠杆操作。

    Even if Goldman and Morgan Stanley could have convinced the market of their future as standalone investment banks , investors and regulators would still have insisted on less leverage .

  13. 即使一手掀起全球金融海啸,事后又有纳税人为其善后,这些银行家还是很快就重演滥发巨额红利及杠杆操作过甚的老把戏。

    Even after triggering a global economic collapse , and having to be rescued at taxpayers'expense , bankers wasted no time going right back to the culture of giant bonuses and excessive leverage .

  14. 基泽尔表示:“矿业和能源公司股价跌幅已超过基础大宗商品价格,这表明投资者已大规模解除杠杆操作。”

    Mr Kiesel says : " the prices of mining and energy companies has fallen much more than the price of underlying commodities which suggests a massive unwind of leverage from investors . "

  15. 报告指出:质量日益下降的贷款发放出来后,被卖给了轻信而贪婪的人&他们经常依靠杠杆操作和短期融资进一步提升自己的利润。

    The report states that loans of increasingly poor quality have been made and then sold to the gullible and greedy , the latter often relying on leverage and short-term funding to further increase their profits .

  16. 相似之处显而易见:外国资本的大量流入;狂热的信贷增长;过度杠杆操作;资产(尤其是房地产)价格泡沫;而最终,是资产价格崩盘和金融灾难。

    The similarity is evident : large inflows of foreign capital ; torrid credit growth ; excessive leverage ; bubbles in asset prices , particularly property ; and , finally , asset-price collapses and financial catastrophe .

  17. 在这场辩论中,高盛一直站在一个极端,坚称即便在此次危机以及随后的抑制风险承担和杠杆操作的监管大潮之后,收入和回报率也将改善。

    Goldman has always been at one extreme of that debate , insisting that revenues and returns would improve even after the crisis and the ensuing tide of regulation that has damped risk-taking and constrained leverage .

  18. 由于金融衍生产品既可以用于规避风险,又具有杠杆操作及交易成本低的特点,各国企业对其的运用在过去20年迅速增长。

    Because the derive tools can be used in not only hedging risks but also using level to operation and with a lower cost of trading , enterprises in different countries used them increasingly in past twenty years .

  19. 如果我们明智且幸运,未来我们将拥有这样的企业治理、资本标准和货币政策机制:它能够更好地抑制消费者、银行和政府过度杠杆操作的危险累积。

    If we are wise and fortunate , in the future we will have corporate governance , capital standards and monetary policy regimes that better constrain the dangerous build-up of excessive leverage among consumers , banks and governments .

  20. 世行从各国政府那里筹资逾60亿美元,用以促进能效的提高。通过用私人资金对这笔钱进行杠杆操作,世行声称为45个国家总价值达500亿美元的项目提供了支持。

    It has raised more than $ 6bn from governments to spur gains in energy efficiency ; by leveraging that sum with private money , the bank claims to have backed $ 50bn worth of projects in 45 countries .

  21. 其含意是,造成危机的原因是公司治理未能对奖金设限,而监管未能把银行资本的杠杆操作控制在适当水平,导致银行很容易受到房屋价格暴跌的影响。

    The implication was that the crisis flowed from a failure of corporate governance to curb bonuses and of regulation to rein in leveraging of bank capital to levels that made the banks vulnerable to a break in housing prices .

  22. 电梯修理工可以转动这根杠杆直接操作机器。

    An elevator mechanic can work the machinery directly by turning this lever .

  23. 20世纪30年代中期,他相信,富兰克林D罗斯福(FranklinD.Roosevelt)总统将成功地刺激美国经济增长,所以他再次使用保证金对个人投资组合进行杠杆化操作。

    In the mid-1930s , he was convinced that President Franklin D. Roosevelt would succeed in stimulating the US economy , and he again used margin to leverage his personal portfolio .

  24. 因此,去杠杆化操作目前仍十分普遍。

    Widespread deleveraging is thus still the order of the day .

  25. 很大一部分撤资是对冲基金被迫进行去杠杆化操作所致,它们一直在出售流动性较强的资产,以帮助为流动性较差资产的价值下跌融资。

    A lot of this has been forced develeraging by hedge funds , which have been selling anything liquid to help finance the fall in the value of their less liquid assets .

  26. 面对如此不明朗、外部融资如此匮乏的局面时,首席执行官们别无选择,只能暂停固定资产投资,并进行去杠杆化操作,以降低对银行的依赖。

    Faced with such a loss of visibility and a shortage of external finance , chief executives had no option but to put fixed investment on hold , and de-lever in order to reduce their dependence on the banks .

  27. 一旦投资者意识到这并非世界末日,股市可能会迅速反弹(一开始,对波动性十分敏感的基金的去杠杆化操作,可能会引发股市进一步下探)。

    But there is only the slightest of chances this is the outcome . Once investors decide this is not an apocalypse , equities could snap back ( deleveraging by funds sensitive to volatility might prompt more declines first ) .

  28. 但多样化的风险在于,高级管理人员不再关注核心业务,或不具备足够的技能,将他们在杠杆收购等操作上的成功复制到其它领域。

    But the risk in diversifying is that the senior management takes its eye off their core business or does not have the skills that can replicate the success in , say , LBOs into another area .

  29. 连接机动车辆前轮的杆或杠杆系统;操作系统推动转向杆系左右运动使得车辆旋转运动。手把输入旋转运动于连杆,使杆子转动。

    A system of rods and levers connected to the front wheels of a motor vehicle ; the steering gear pushes the steering linkage left or right which swivels the front wheels causing the vehicle to turn . The handle inputs rotation upon the link rotated .