
  • 网络teutonic knight
  1. 条顿骑士团是为对抗异教徒而成立的德意志骑士团体。

    The Teutonic Knights are a German crusading order of knights committed to fighting infidels and pagans .

  2. 条顿骑士团是耶路撒冷的德意志骑士们响应天主召唤建成的团体。

    The Teutonic Knights are a German order of Christian knights that serve in the Holy Lands when the Crusades call them there .

  3. 条顿骑士团衰落的原因是多方面的。

    There were many reasons why the Teutonic Order declined .

  4. 条顿骑士分团能够招募资深条顿骑士。

    Teutonic Knights'Major Chapter House allows the recruitment of experienced Teutonic knights .

  5. 这座城堡如今位于波兰的马尔堡,当年由条顿骑士团建于普鲁士。

    The Castle in Malbork was built in Prussia by the Teutonic Order as an Ordensburg .

  6. 6个可选派系-条顿骑士团,立陶宛,丹麦,诺夫哥罗德,波兰和神圣罗马帝国。

    Playable factions ? Teutonic Order , Lithuania , Denmark , Novgorod , Poland and the Holy Roman Empire .

  7. 1410年,波兰和立陶宛的军队联合起来在格林瓦尔德会战中击败了条顿骑士团。

    In 1410 , the armies of Poland and Lithuania together defeated the Teutonic Order in the Battle of Grunewald .

  8. 1466年条顿骑士团再次被波兰人打败,并被迫向波兰割让土地,成为波兰国王的附庸。

    Another Polish victory in 1466 forced the knights to cede lands to Poland and become vassals of the Polish king .

  9. 条顿骑士分团是德意志精锐基督骑士们宿营、训练和为团体宗旨奉献自身的场所。

    Teutonic Knights'Major Chapter House is a place where the finest German Christian warriors reside , training and devoting themselves to the order 's pursuits .