
  • 网络jaden;Jayden;Jaden Smith
  1. 知情人士告诉《USWeekly》说,之前不知道杰登会来,所以当他出现的时候,问题就来了。

    There was never any mention of Jaden being there , so when he showed up , it caused problems , a source told Us Weekly .

  2. 在短短两个月内,杰登已经学到了很多。

    In just two months , Jaden had learned so much .

  3. 以确认她是否是出于自卫杀死杰登

    to confirm her story that she killed Jaden in self-defense .

  4. 杰登,你要追托姆是吗,他是你的了

    Look , Jaden , you want Thom ? He 's yours .

  5. 怎么了,杰登她…

    What 's wrong ? Jaden , she , um ...

  6. 这样你和杰登就危险了

    and he 'll put you and Jaden on the immediate threat .

  7. 艾丽克丝,慢点说,杰登现在在哪里

    Alex , slow down . Where 's Jaden now ?

  8. 杰登的选择代表了许多中国学子的想法。

    That is representative of a number of Chinese students .

  9. 杰登所配追踪器今晚的位置相符

    with the geography of Jaden 's tracker this evening .

  10. 我们没必要恐惧外面的世界,杰登

    We don 't have to fear the outside world , Jaden .

  11. 我还以为你和杰登会成为朋友

    I thought you and Jaden were becoming friends .

  12. 杰登,基于你最近的表现

    Jaden , now , based on recent performance ,

  13. 等一下,好像是杰登

    Stand by . I think it 's Jaden . Get over there .

  14. 就像他当时对杰登所做的那样

    Just like I saw him do with Jaden .

  15. 杰登是他们两个月前带进来的

    They brought Jaden in about 2 months ago .

  16. 艾丽克丝和杰登不幸被一个反社会疯子挑中了

    Alex and Jaden were picked out of a catalogue by a sociopath .

  17. 听着,杰登,我现在有点…

    Listen , Jaden , I 'm a little --

  18. 我正在探索杰登的内心世界

    I 'm deep inside Jaden 's head right now

  19. 因为她是个叛徒杰登

    Because she 's a traitor . Jaden .

  20. 是杰登再三劝我,我才说出来的

    Jaden finally convinced me to speak up .

  21. 她和杰登已经被选定了

    she and Jaden had already been picked .

  22. 你这边完事之后去看下杰登的死亡报告

    You can get the report on Jaden 's death when you 're done .

  23. 杰登挑走了电视机,搬回了她房间

    Jaden took the TV for her room ,

  24. 杰登,别紧张,他只是在开玩笑

    Jaden , relax . He was joking .

  25. 杰登上周五在拉斯维加斯出生,早产了三个星期,体重5磅7盎司。

    Jaden was born three weeks prematurely on Friday in Las Vegas and weighed5lb7oz .

  26. 杰登从没想要做我的朋友

    Jaden never wanted to be my friend .

  27. 杰登,你可以走了

    Jaden , you 're free to go .

  28. 杰登先挑衅,她不应该…

    Jaden started it , she can 't -

  29. 我说过你和杰登能帮我套出真相

    I told you you and Jaden would help me get to the truth .

  30. 只有杰登和我两个人

    It was just Jaden and me .