
  • 网络loosely coupled;loose coupling;loose couple
  1. 松散耦合的WebServices应用程序可以采取异步或同步方式进行通信。

    A loosely coupled Web service application can communicate asynchronously and synchronously .

  2. 这是用C写的松散耦合的、扩展的数据库访问类。

    Loosely coupled , extensible database access library written in C # .

  3. 基于WEBService的松散耦合分布式电子政务系统

    The Loose Coupling Distributed E-Government System Based on Web Service

  4. 相反,基于浏览器的Web应用程序是松散耦合的,具有很强的互操作性。

    Browser-based Web applications , in contrast , are loosely coupled and remarkably interoperable .

  5. 使得基于WEBService的就业信息系统备松散耦合、面向组件和跨技术实现的特点。

    Makes the Web Service-based employment information systems were loosely coupled , component-oriented and cross-technology features .

  6. 业务应用程序是松散耦合的,以便通过使用Web服务为企业带来业务价值。

    Business applications are loosely coupled to bring business value to the enterprise by using Web services .

  7. 分布式程序设计语言DC及其在松散耦合分布式环境中的实现

    Implementation of DC in a loosely - coupled distributed environment

  8. Web服务正在成为一种基于标准技术的计算平台,能够支持构建松散耦合的广域分布式系统。

    Web Service is becoming a standard-based computing platform and supports construction of loosely coupled wide-area distributed systems .

  9. Web服务技术利用XML语言做为基础,实现了跨平台,跨数据库之间的松散耦合。

    Web Services use XML as foundation language to realize loosely coupling different databases and OSs .

  10. 与客户机与服务之间采用紧密耦合的情况(会尽可能减少冗余)不同,松散耦合WebServices需要大量的冗余。

    Loosely coupled Web services require substantial redundancies unlike tight coupling between clients and service , which minimizes redundancies .

  11. 这个简单的体系结构样式通过重用Web的松散耦合与分布式基础设施来提供可伸缩性和交互能力。

    This simple architectural style allows scalability and interactivity by reusing the Web 's loosely coupled and distributed infrastructure .

  12. 基于XML的松散耦合分布式计算

    Loosely Coupled Distributed Computing Based on XML

  13. SOA的一个关键目标就是组件间的松散耦合。

    A key objective of SOA is loose coupling between components .

  14. 从理论上讲,在容量高时,松散耦合WebServices将等待消息队列服务器的响应。

    Theoretically , when volumes are high , loosely coupled Web services wait for a response from a message queuing server .

  15. Web服务作为新型的分布式计算技术,为编写松散耦合的分散式应用程序提供了一个非常优秀的方案。

    As a new distributed computing technology , Web service provides a very excellent scheme for compiling coupling distracted form application .

  16. 值得注意的是,传统的分布式事务模型一般不适用于松散耦合的Web服务。

    It is important to note that the classic distributed transaction model is generally not appropriate for loosely coupled Web services .

  17. Web服务技术具有松散耦合,可互操作,可组合,编程的访问能力等优点。

    Web service has many advantages , such as loose coupling , interoperability , composition programming access capabilities and so on .

  18. 即使当公共数据集提供了充分说明的Web命名空间,事情也可能会以一种更松散耦合的方式发生。

    When public datasets provide fully articulated web namespaces , though , things can happen in a more loosely coupled way .

  19. 如要支持SOA应有的灵活性,必须采用松散耦合。

    To support the agility promised by SOA , coupling should be loose .

  20. 当Web服务无论资源是否缺乏通常均以松散耦合方式运行时会出现一些问题。

    The issues come into play when Web services , normally loosely coupled , run whether the resource is scarce or not .

  21. 另一方面,实现企业Web服务是为了利用应用程序之间松散耦合的集成点。

    Enterprise Web Services , on the other hand , are implemented to take advantage of loosely coupled integration points between applications .

  22. Web服务松散耦合的特性允许在需要时对其进行调用,而在不需要时将其释放。

    The loosely coupling nature of the Web services allows them to be called when needed and released when they are not needed .

  23. 作为面向服务的架构的主流实现技术的Web服务,具有松散耦合的特征,为分布、异构的企业级应用提供了有效的集成。

    Loosely coupled Web Service that is the major implementation technique of Service Oriented Architecture provides distributed heterogeneous enterprise application with validated integration .

  24. Web服务背后的概念帮助您使用抽象的接口设计松散耦合的服务,这样就可以把服务实现与服务定义分开。

    The concepts behind web services help you design loosely coupled services with abstract interfaces , thus decoupling service implementation from service definition .

  25. 作为一种面向服务的计算模式,Web服务具有松散耦合、与平台无关等优点,能简化跨组织应用的共享与集成,得到了快速发展和应用。

    As a service-oriented computing model , Web Services technology is loosely-coupled and platform-independent , and it simplifies the application integration between different organizations .

  26. 一个具有WebService能力的基础设施,能够支持智能直接通讯,并支持在松散耦合和解耦业务组件之间的间接关联。

    " A Web-services-capable infrastructure that supports intelligently directed communication and mediated relationships among loosely coupled and decoupled biz components . "( Source : Gartner Group )

  27. SOA的精髓在于能够解决实际问题的松散耦合粗粒度服务。

    The spirit of SOA lies in loosely coupling course-grained services that solve real business problems .

  28. 该协同架构对Internet环境有良好的适应性,并且兼具分布式、松散耦合、异构性、工作流的自定义等特点。

    The cooperative architecture is endowed with a good adaptability to Internet environment and featured distributing , loosely coupled and self-definition of the workflow .

  29. 以标准协议为基础和松散耦合为特征的WebServices是分布式计算技术的重要发展方向。

    Web Services is an important development way of distributed computing technology on the basis of standard protocol and with the feature of loose coupling .

  30. 目前,工作流管理系统正向具有松散耦合、高度可集成的方向发展,面向Web服务的工作流技术正在倍受关注。

    Nowadays , Workflow management system is to have a loose coupling , highly integrated development , web services oriented workflow technology is much concern .