
  • 网络LindemanS;lindemann;Lindman
  1. 中国媒体和矿业巨头韩子伟(WilliamHan)最近以960万澳元(约合890万美元)收购了昆士兰州的林德曼岛(LindemanIsland)。该岛的前一位所有者ClubMed因游客数量减少在两年前关闭了这个度假胜地。

    Chinese media-and-mining magnate William Han recently bought Queensland 's Lindeman Island for 9.6 million Australian dollars ( US $ 8.9 million ) after its previous owner , Club Med , closed the resort two years ago amid shrinking tourist arrivals .

  2. 放心,我会想办法还钱给林德曼的。

    Look , I will find another way to pay linderman .

  3. 我应该单枪匹马杀去林德曼的办公室。

    I should just go to linderman 's office without you .

  4. 一旦林德曼发现他的手下死了。

    And once Linderman finds out they 're dead .

  5. 我把它卖给了一个叫林德曼的人。

    I sold it to a guy named linderman .

  6. 如果我们拿着林德曼的钱跑了。

    And if we ran with linderman 's money .

  7. 我们以前是一起帮林德曼做事的。

    We used to get stuff done for linderman .

  8. 但那是从林德曼那偷的钱。

    The money that you stole from linderman .

  9. 地方检察官希望我能起诉林德曼。

    The Da wants me to prosecute linderman .

  10. 我向林德曼借了钱。

    I borrowed money from linderman .

  11. 另一方面,林德曼则毫不怀疑他的设备能有许许多多的用途。

    Linderman , on the other hand , has no trouble imagining myriad uses for his device .

  12. 林德曼岛有670公顷的世界遗产国家公园可供游览。

    The island has 670 hectares of World Heritage national parkland accessible to the resort 's guests .

  13. 斯图尔特,我需要提醒你,你几乎破坏了林德曼计划吗?

    Elizabeth : Stuart , do I need to remind you that you almost ruined the Linderman deal for us .

  14. 这项研究是由英国林德曼美酒与图书俱乐部进行的,该俱乐部还将在全国范围内举办乐施会书店活动。

    The study was conducted by the Lindemans Wine and Book Club which will be holding events at Oxfam bookshops nationwide .

  15. 重构过程并不完美,但自论文发表后,林德曼说研究团队已经显著改善了这一过程。

    The reproduction isn 't perfect , but since submitting the paper , Linderman says the team has significantly refined its process .

  16. “我们希望系统能够将那些电子爆发识别为与肌肉活动类型相关联的模式,”林德曼说。

    " We wanted the system to be able to recognize those bursts of electricity as particular patterns associated with this type of mechanical activity ," Linderman said .