
guǒ ké
  • shell;shuck
果壳[guǒ ké]
  1. 以腰果壳液中提取的腰果酚(Cardanol)为主要原料,合成了六种新的钛酸酯偶联剂。

    Six new titanate coupling agents have been synthesized mainly with cardanol extracted from cashew nut shell liquid .

  2. 本文研制了以BMI,腰果壳油,酚醛树脂三元体系共混改性的树脂为基体,碳纤维,金属丝以及无机填料为增强材料的车用摩擦材料。

    A friction resistant materials for the vehicle was developed , which was modified by BMI with cashew shell oil and phenolic resin blend as the matrix and the carbon fiber , steel fiber and inorganic filler as reinforced materials .

  3. 果壳裹住果仁。

    The nutshell includes the kernel .

  4. 果壳中N素总量的变化呈先增后减的趋势,符合二次函数关系。

    The total amount of N in pod shells increased firstly and then decreased , according with quadratic equation .

  5. HPLC法测定茶籽、果壳、茶籽油中脂溶性维生素和β-胡萝卜素的含量

    Determination of Lipsoluble Vitamin ,β Carotene in Tea-seed , Tea-seed Oil and Shell by HPLC

  6. ICP-AES测定果壳活性炭中的锰

    Determination of Manganese in Core Active Carbon by ICP-AES

  7. 核磁共振1H、13C显示,酚醛与腰果壳油、三聚氰胺形成了共聚物;

    1H-NMR and 13C-NMR show phenolic , cashew nut oil and melamine form copolymer .

  8. 蛋白质含量高的品种其叶片、果壳和籽粒中非蛋白氮含量和GS活性均高。

    The high protein content variety has high non protein N contents and high GS activities in plants .

  9. 世界松籽资源生产利用现状及我国松籽发展对策探讨HPLC法测定茶籽、果壳、茶籽油中脂溶性维生素和β-胡萝卜素的含量

    Global Pine Nut Species Resource , Production , Market and Prospects for China ; Determination of Lipsoluble Vitamin ,β Carotene in Tea-seed , Tea-seed Oil and Shell by HPLC

  10. 结果表明:高产品种的果壳蔗糖磷酸合成酶(SPS)和籽粒蔗糖合成酶(SS)活性高;

    The results are as follows : the high yield variety has high sucrose phosphate synthase ( SPS ) activities in pericarps and high sucrose synthase ( SS ) activities in grains ;

  11. 这张简单的图片是由库马尔·安吉特在果壳问答网站上创造的,并且已经在Facebook上被分享了几十万次,图片显示了一个简单的素描,要求用户们计算其中包含了多少个三角形。

    The simple drawing , which was created by Kumar Ankit on quora.com and has been shared hundreds of thousands of times on Facebook , shows a simple sketch , and asks users to calculate how many triangles it contains .

  12. 以油茶果壳为原料,利用微波辐照提取棕色素,通过L9(34)正交试验确定油茶果壳棕色素的最佳提取工艺;

    The microwave extraction technology of brown pigment from Camellia oleifera shells was optimized by L9 ( 34 ) orthogonal array design and the stability of the pigment was studied .

  13. 研究了油料作物对土壤老化残留DDT的吸收积累情况,结果表明,∑DDT在三种作物不同部位中的浓度顺序都是:根>茎>果壳>果仁。

    Uptake and accumulation of weathered DDT by oil plants were investigated , and the results showed that the order of the concentrations of ∑ DDT in different parts of three oil plants was : root > stem > husk > grain .

  14. 采用工业腰果壳液(CNSL)和甲醛缩聚反应合成具有良好性价比的腰果酚甲醛树脂,并以此配制了腰果树脂漆。

    Cashew shell oil - phenol - formaldehyde resin , synthesized with condensation polymerization of industrial cashew nut shell liquid ( CNSL ) and formaldehyde possesses good property - price ratio for paint application .

  15. 本文采用ICP-MS法测定文冠果果壳中50种微量元素的含量并进行聚类分析,结果表明不同产地的文冠果壳中微量元素的含量有一定差别。

    Result demonstration : it has differences about the husks of Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge from different habitates.3.This article determined the of fifty kinds of microelement by ICP-MS and carried on the cluster analysis , finally indicated that the content of husks from different habitates has certain difference .

  16. 当甲醛与酚类的摩尔配比控制在0.84&0.87时,腰果壳油改性Novalac酚醛树脂的合成反应体系稳定性较好;

    When the mole ratio of formaldehyde and phenol was in the range of 0.84-0.87 , the temperature changing of the reaction system was appropriate , the reaction system for the whole process was stable .

  17. DSC-TG曲线显示,所选用的腰果壳油、三聚氰胺改性酚醛树脂高温下失重率增长缓慢,而且热分解后的残余量较高,适用于170~180℃温度下使用,必须进一步提高其耐热性。

    DSC-TG curve showed the weight loss rate of cashew nut oil and phenolic resin modified by melamine increased slowly at high temperature and there were many remnants after thermal decomposition . It should be used between 170 to 180 ℃ and need to improve its heat resistance .

  18. 对树脂基体的研究表明,腰果壳油改性酚醛树脂具有良好的热性能,所制备的摩擦材料硬度较低,摩擦系数平稳,磨损率较小,因此适合作为Al-MMC制动盘用摩擦材料的基体。

    In the present study , cashew-modified resin had good heat-resistant performance , friction material fabricated by using this kind of resin exhibited low hardness , stable friction coefficient and low wear rate . This indicated that cashew-modified resin was preferable to be used as the matrix of friction material .

  19. 山竹果壳中红色素的提取及其应用研究

    The Extraction of Red Pigment From Garcinia mangostana and its Application

  20. 果壳的快乐&论欧洲绘画的自由精神

    The Happiness of Pericarp & The Free Spirits of Europe Painting

  21. 腰果壳油改性酚醛树脂制造摩阻材料的研究

    Studies of Making Friction Material With Cashew Nut Oil Modified Phenolic Resin

  22. 水性腰果壳液固化剂的试制与应用

    Preparation and Application of water-borne curing agent from cashew nut shell liquid

  23. 三聚氰胺和腰果壳油改性酚醛树脂的研究

    Research on modification of phenolic resin by melamine and cashew shell oil

  24. 我找了把胡桃钳把果壳夹碎。

    I found a nutcracker to break the shells open .

  25. 脱羧腰果壳液改性聚氨酯/亚麻油复合涂料

    Polyurethane / linseed oil composite coating modified by cashew nut shell liquid

  26. 该工艺为腰果壳液的综合利用开辟了一条新的途径。

    This study provides a new way to comprehensive utilization of CNSL .

  27. 油棕果壳制活性炭研究

    The research on manufacturing activated carbon from the fruit shell of Elaeis guineensis

  28. 腰果壳液的蒸馏及其馏分的色-质谱联用分析

    Distillation and GC-MS-DS determination of cashew nut shell liquid

  29. 如果你要的是果仁,你就一定要打破果壳。

    If you seek the kernel , then you must break the shell .

  30. 红外光谱显示其结构中存在腰果壳油、三聚氰胺的成分;

    IR indicates that there is cashew nut oil and melamine in the structure .