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  1. 人工老窖泥在枝江大曲酒生产中的应用

    Application of Artificial Aged Pits Mud in the Production of Zhijiang Daqu Liquor

  2. 香型淡化后的枝江大曲酒工艺实验及调整研究

    Research on Brewing Technology and Process Adjustment of Zhijiang Daqu after Flavor Weakening

  3. 多粮型白酒生产工艺在枝江大曲酒生产中的初步运用

    Preliminary Utilization of the Technology of Multiple-grains Liquor in the Production of Zhijiang Daqu Liquor

  4. 从枝江大曲酿造微生物状态看产品质量风格的形成

    Analysis of the Formation of Quality Style of Zhijiang Daqu Liquor on the Basis of Fermentation Microbes

  5. 另外,采用一种吸氧瓶盖可以降低酒液中的氧气浓度,从而延长枝江大曲成品酒的货架期。

    In addition , using a sort of oxygen-adsorbed bottle cap can reduce the oxygen concentration in liquors , thus extending the shelf life of Zhijiang Daqu .

  6. 枝江大曲酒属浓香型白酒,产品特点为窖香、曲香秀雅,口味绵甜、甘爽,后味悠长,酒体丰满,个性明显。

    Zhijiang Daqu Liquor belongs to Luzhou-flavor liquor series with its characteristics as " pit aroma , elegant flavor , enjoyable taste , long after taste , mellow liquor body , and distinct individuality " .