
bǎi mù
  • cedarwood;weeping cypress
柏木[bǎi mù]
  1. 70%高氯酸可作为柏木油中倍半萜烃进行乙酰化反应的第二催化剂组分,用以代替部分PPA。

    70 % perchloro acid can be as a second component of catalyst , instead of partial PPA , to promote acetylations Of sesquiterpenes in cedarwood oil .

  2. 毛细管气相色谱法分析柏木精油中萜烯成分

    Analysis of Terpene Components in the Essential Oil of Cedarwood With Capillary Gas Chromatography

  3. 本文利用GC/MS技术,对柏木油中的主要产物α柏木烯、β柏木烯、罗汉柏烯等同分异构体进行分离定性,共定出19个组份。

    The major components of cedar wood oil including some isomers α - cedrene , β - cedrene , thujopsene and so on , were separated by GC / MS and 19 compounds were identified .

  4. 本文研究了柏木萜烯与醋酐~多聚磷酸的乙酰化反应和d-芋烯与醋酐~多聚甲醛的Prins反应,经正交试验结果,柏木萜烯乙酰化反应得率为70%。

    The acetylation of the hydrocarbon fraction of cedar wood oil with acetic anhydride ~ polyphosphoric acid and the prins reaction of d & limonene with acetic anhydride ~ paraformaldehyde have been studied .

  5. 甲基柏木酮(MCK)是一种具有木香香气又兼麝香底韵的经典香料,广泛应用于消毒剂、化妆品、洗涤产品等日用化工、卫生保健行业。

    Methyl Cedryl Ketone ( MCK ) is a classic spice which has a woody and musky smell , widely used in disinfectants , cosmetics , cleaning products and other household chemical industries .

  6. 异长叶烯的Prins反应产物(Ⅰ)和(Ⅱ)是制备具有持久的柏木油和岩兰草油香气,并兼有龙涎香和鼠尾草油香气的香料(Ⅴ)和(Ⅵ)的中间体。

    ( I ) and ( ⅱ ), products of Prins reaction of isolongifolene , are intermediates for preparing perfumery with a pronounced cedarwood-vetiver odour of great tenacity , and amber , clear sage dryout ( V ) and (ⅵ) .

  7. 欧亚一种高大的柏木,树皮薄且呈灰色,树枝朝上。

    Tall Eurasian cypress with thin gray bark and ascending branches .

  8. “黄肠”是指黄心的柏木。

    " Huang chang " refers to cypress wood with yellow core .

  9. 贵州省柏木立木一元地径材积表的编制

    Compilation of univariate standing volume table of cupressus funebris in Guizhou province

  10. 常绿的雄雌同株的松类树木或灌木;柏木,落羽杉。

    Evergreen monoecious coniferous trees or shrubs : cypress pines .

  11. 柏木醇与邻甲苯酚包结物的结构研究

    A Study of Structure of Intercalate Inclusion Compound of Cedrol with o-Cresol

  12. 柏木醇与酚类化合物包合现象的研究

    A Study on the Inclusion Phenomena of Cedrol with Phenol Type Compounds

  13. 高纯度α-柏木烯的制备研究

    Study on Preparation of α - cedrene in high purity

  14. 柏木醚是柏木醇的脂肪族醚。

    It is an aliphatic ether of the cedrol .

  15. 杉木、檫木、柏木等林分下土壤微量元素状况

    Micronutrient status of soils under Chinese fir , sassafras and weeping cypress stands

  16. 柏木叶中多醣提取技术的研究

    Studies on Technique of Extracting Polysaccharide from Cypress Leaves

  17. 柏木无性系种子园遗传增益及优良家系评选

    Genetic gain and superior families selection from clonal seed orchards of Cupressus funebris

  18. 柏木人工林立地质量与林分结构规律的研究

    A Study of the Site quality and Stand Structure of Mourning Cypress Plantations

  19. 回程的船上,我在铺有泪柏木的甲板上打着盹。

    On the return boat trip I dozed on the huon pine deck .

  20. 柏木种子园无性系结实性状遗传变异研究

    Study on Genetic Variation of Seed Bearing Property at Clonal Cupressus funebris Seed Orchard

  21. 柏木生物生产力与环境因子的典范相关分析

    A Typical Correlation Analysis of the Biological Productivity of Cypress and its Environmental Factors

  22. 瓜达卢佩岛的地方柏木树种,较低;叶子略带蓝色。

    Relatively low wide-spreading endemic on Guadalupe Island ; cultivated for its bluish foliage .

  23. 本文采用氨基钠法合成甲基柏木醚。

    In this paper , the cedrol methyl ether was synthesized by sodamide method .

  24. 柏木纯林的生产力和混交林差距也不大。

    Productivity of Cupressus funebris pure forest is almost as same as mixed forest .

  25. 冻析法从杉木油中分离柏木醇的研究

    Wood alcohol Study on Separation of Cedrol from Chinese Fir Oil with Freezing Method

  26. 新西兰一种类似于柏木的木材。

    New Zealand timber tree resembling the cypress .

  27. 柏木属植物和桧属植物以及雪松。

    Cypresses and junipers and many cedars .

  28. 柏木油提取方法研究

    Study on Extraction Method of Sandalwood Oil

  29. 柏木油中倍半萜烃的乙酰化反应

    Acetylation of sesquiterpenes in cedarwood oil

  30. 苯基钠法合成甲基柏木醚的新工艺

    Study on the new synthetic technology of the perfume cedrol methyl ether by phenyl sodium method