
  1. 地理分布:柏架山、坪。广西、建和浙江。

    Distribution : Mount Parker and Mau Ping . Guangxi , Fujian , Zhejiang .

  2. 地理分布:仅见于柏架山。分布于广东北部韶关地区和邻近的湖南宜章。

    Distribution : Restricted to Mount Parker . Also in N Guangdong and S Hunan .

  3. 地理分布:香港特有种,见于紫罗兰山及柏架山。

    Distribution : Endemic to Hong Kong , only known from Mount Violet and Mount Parker .

  4. 地理分布:大帽山、嘉道理农场、柏架山。广东、广西亦有。

    Distribution : Tai Mo Shan , Kadoorie Farm , Mount Parker . Guangdong , Guangxi .

  5. 东北东部山区次生林可持续经营技术的研究地理分布:仅见于柏架山。分布于广东北部韶关地区和邻近的湖南宜章。

    Study on the Sustainable Management Technology of Secondary Forest in the Eastern Part of Northeast Forest Region ; Distribution : Restricted to Mount Parker . Also in N Guangdong and S Hunan .

  6. 地理分布:大帽山、大东山、柏架山。华东、华南至西南以及南亚至中南半岛。接管公司几天后,他就视察了公司位于朝鲜半岛东南部顶端的蔚山组装工厂。

    Distribution : Tai Mo Shan , Sunset Peak , Mount Parker . SE , S to SW China ; India to Indochina . Days after he took over , Chung visited Hyundai 's sprawling plant at Ulsan on the southeastern tip of the Korean peninsula .