
rǎn liào chǎnɡ
  • Dyestuff Plant
  1. 本论文系统地论述染料厂生产管理信息系统的设计与实现,并围绕生产数据采集、存储和应用的开发工作,所涉及关键技术和相关程序进行详细阐述。

    This paper systematically discussed the plan and realization of " dyestuff plant production management system ", and detailed expounded the key technology and concerned program in the developing work of data for collection and storage and application .

  2. 对某染料厂含直接铜络合偶氮染料废水进行了混凝沉淀及Fenton氧化法脱色处理实验研究;

    Coagulation sedimentation and Fenton oxidation experiments were conducted to treat the wastewater containing direct copper complex azo dye .

  3. 综上所述,该染料厂的可能修复技术为生物修复、填埋、焚烧、MCD和热脱附等。

    To conclude , the possible remediation technologies for this dye plant are biological remediation , landfill treatment , incineration , MCD , thermal desorption and etc.

  4. 通过一系列实验,对某染料厂提供的活性蓝染料溶液在搅拌剪切力强化作用下进行了纳滤脱盐精制研究。

    The nanofiltration of reactive blue dye solution enhanced with stirring shear was investigated .

  5. 沸石分子筛催化剂及其工艺用于吉化股份有限公司染料厂原异丙苯单元的技术改造是完全可行的。

    The zeolite catalyst process can be applied in the revamping of cumene unit .

  6. 染料厂废酸制富过磷酸钙工艺研究

    Study of Producing Concentrated Super-phosphate Process by Using the Waste Acid in the Dye Plant

  7. 某染料厂采用预处理水解A/O组合工艺处理染料废水。

    The assembled technics of pretreatment-hydrolyzation-A / O was applied for dye wastewater in a dye plant .

  8. 本文研究了染料厂含硝基酚钠废水治理的方法。

    This paper presents the method of treatment of waste water containing nitrophenol sodium from dye plant .

  9. 全国11家重点染料厂职工恶性肿瘤流行病学调查研究

    An epidemiological study on workers with malignant tumors in 11 major dye - stuffs plants in China

  10. 多种有毒易燃气体并存的预警监测监控系统&在北京染料厂示范工程中的应用

    Early-Warning System for Monitoring and Controlling Co-Existing Poisonous and Inflammable Gases & Its Application in the Demonstration Project of Beijing Dye-Stuff Factory

  11. 三层体系结构开发思想成功地应用于吉化染料厂生产管理系统,受到用户很高的评价。

    The development ideology of three layers structure has been successfully applied to Product Management System of Jilin Destuff Factory and was given high prize .

  12. 通过对某染料厂还原蓝生产废水的研究,提出了利用残余硫酸制取硫酸亚铁水处理剂,滤渣在一般锅炉内焚烧的综合利用和治理工艺。

    In order to treat the wastewater from vat blue production , we obtain ferrous sulphate as water treatment chemical and incinerate residue in general coal-fired boiler .

  13. 结合实际治理工程,对小型染料厂工艺废水的治理进行了探讨,提出了一个操作简单、易于管理维护的处理工艺。

    The treatment of wastewater from small dye plant based on practical treatment process , and a new treatment process are thus put forward they are easy to operate and maintain .

  14. 对某染料厂排放的染料生产废水进行处理,结果表明,厌氧混凝预处理与活性炭吸附再生相结合是处理该废水的一种可行方法。

    The dyestuff wastewater drained from adye plant is treated by the combination of anaerobic-coagulation pretreatment and activated carbon adsorption-regeneration . The result shows that it is a feasible method for the treatment of dyestuff wastewater .

  15. 列举了1993年度世界各国染料厂开发的新染料品种,从中可领悟当今染料的发展趋向,对我国染料工业的新品开发有一定指导意义。

    New dys developed by dye manufacturers of various countries were cited , from which we may see the developing tendancy of dyes and derive good ideas for the development of the dye industry of our country .

  16. 可以设想张的工厂不会是那家染料厂唯一的客户,肯定还有其它公司没有披露或者没有发现这一问题。

    On the assumption that Mr Zhang was not the local industrialist 's only customer , there must be other firms that have not yet disclosed their own shortcomings , or are not yet aware of them .

  17. 通过对某偶氮染料厂废水处理的实际效益分析,得出废水处理运行成本为0.8元/m~3。具有较好的推广应用价值。

    Analyzing the practical beneficial result of certain azo dye manufacturer treatment of wastewater , we conclude the cost of wastewater treatment is 0.8 Yuan / m3 . This treatment process technique has better value of application and dissemination .

  18. 本文通过安阳市染料助剂厂搬迁场地污染土的勘察,对污染土的工程性质作了介绍与分析;

    This paper presents the case history of the investigation of the moved site of a dyestuff auxiliary agent plant at Anyang City on contaminated foundation soils . It states the engineering characteristics of these soils and makes analysis .

  19. 文章介绍了某小型染料化工厂采用铁曝气法→混凝沉淀→厌氧法→好氧法→水解酸化→接触氧化→混凝气浮工艺处理难降解的工业废水;

    A facility based on the sequential technological process from ferric reduction to coagulation and settling , then to anaerobic process , aerobic process , hydrolysis acidification , contact oxidation process , and coagulation and floatation is designed to treat the chemical wastewater in a small chemical coloring factory .

  20. 采用测定生化呼吸线、BOD5、COD和BOD5/COD等方法,研究了几种制革常用染料在制革厂活性污泥作用下的好氧生物降解特性。

    The biodegradability of the dyes under tannery activated sludge was evaluated based on the determinations of respiration curve of the activated sludge , BOD5 , COD and BOD5 / COD .

  21. 方法采用羧甲基壳聚糖对活性红染料溶液和毛巾厂的印染废水进行混凝处理,通过研究pH值、投加量、沉降时间和搅拌强度对脱色效果的影响,确定适宜的操作条件;

    This study is devoted to the effects of pH , amount of addition , mixing time and setting time on the decolorization of the effluent by using carboxymethyl chitin to coagulate the reactive red dye solution and the printing and dyeing wastewater from printing and dyeing mills .

  22. 染料广泛用于纺织厂、染化厂和造纸厂等,由于染料的生态毒性,已经造成了严重的环境污染。

    Dyes are used in many industries and has caused greatly environmental pollution due to its toxicity .

  23. 解放后,我国又建设了自己最大的染料化工企业&吉林染料厂。

    After liberation , our country built its biggest dyestuff chemical complex , i. e. Jilin Dyestuff Factory .